***If you want to copy and paste the questionnaire- high lite the text and while holding down the "Ctrl" button, hit "C". Then move the cursor to the reply space and again hold the "Ctrl" button, hit "V".
1. When was your WLS?
2. Type of WLS? Lap Band
3. Where are you on your journey vis-à-vis goals (short term, long term, personal & Doctor’s), clothing size, and health? I am doing very well. My first goal of reaching onederland is 34 pounds away. My clothing has gone down a few sizes. Health wise, I am no longer on Nexium since surgery and have not suffered from severe or even mild acid reflux since! I was lucky to have avoided most obesity related diseases such as diabetes or hypertension so I had surgery just in the nick of time!
4. What has been the most exciting NSV? Already being able to cross my legs! Oh and to move better!
5. What has been the most surprising NSV? People already calling me skinny! Or the compliments I get every day!
6. Why would you recommend your choice of WLS? I’ve debated this question myself because I would definitely be very cautious on who I recommend it to. This surgery requires a lot of self motivation and discipline. Chips go down like a charm, and you have to completely quit soda, which can be a very hard thing to do because essentially nothing is stopping you from drinking a pepsi. I know folks who have failed this surgery, so it’s not exactly a guarantee that it will work for everyone.
7. Every WLS choice has pros and cons. Not that we all don’t love our new life...If you ever question your choice of surgery type, what are the things that have been disappointing, or not as you expected/hoped? I don’t regret, but I wish the weight loss was easier. When you get surgery, you sort of have this expectation that the weight will decrease on its own without much work, but with the band you really have to work hard to achieve your goals.
8. If you have a BMI of 20- 25, what helps you maintain the weight loss? Not there!
- When you look in the mirror, who do you see? Is it a fat girl in skinny clothing? How are you working to change the picture in your head? I’m very lucky that I don’t think I will get this syndrome. I have not been overweight my whole life so I don’t think the picture in my head will be as distorted as it can be for some people. Thankfully.
- How do you cope with stress, now that food isn't / shouldn’t be an option? I wasn’t really a “stress eater" to begin with; I just made bad choices and ate too much volume wise.
Looking forward to hearing other responses to this one!
Charline, are you going to fill it out?
1- When was your WLS?Feb 24, 2009
2- Type of WLS? Band
3- Where are you on your journey vis-à-vis goals (short term, long term, personal & Doctor’s), clothing size, and health? I am half way to where I need to go to have a BMI of 25. My original clothing goal; was a size 14, but I am thinking a size 12 is possible. As for my health, my still take most of the meds I used to take, but in lower doses. I am still insulin depend ant and that is disappointing, but 1 shot is better than 3! My long term goal is to live into my 80's.
4- What has been the most exciting NSV? I asked the question, but I am not sure which to pick....The one that comes to mind was buying cute, pretty bras!
5- What has been the most surprising NSV? The dramatic improvement in my self esteem. I wear make-up everyday, curl my hair daily and generally want to look my best, all the time.
6- Why would you recommend your choice of WLS? I will be able to maintain this weight loss, which I have never been able to do in the past.
7- Every WLS choice has pros and cons. Not that we all don’t love our new life...If you ever question your choice of surgery type, what are the things that have been disappointing, or not as you expected/hoped? I still believe in the reasons I chose the band, but I sometimes wish I had been able to have the RNY because I want to loose weight faster than I am, the fills are a pain (the time not the fill), and the bible issue (that seems to have improved)
8- If you have a BMI of 20- 25, what helps you maintain the weight loss? I'm still dreaming of those numbers. BUT I am just obese now, not morbidly or super morbidly obese!
9- When you look in the mirror, who do you see? Is it a fat girl in skinny clothing? How are you working to change the picture in your head? A work in progress, but I generally see the real picture. That is because myself image didn't match my 288 pounds. I still think I am smaller than I really am. It's not the mirror that I misjudge, it is space I take or my physical ability I misjudge.
10- How do you cope with stress, now that food isn't / shouldn’t be an option?I wish I had this one figured out. I feel much better, so I am not as stressed, but food is still temping when I am stressed.
1- When was your WLS? April 28, 2009
2- Type of WLS? Band with Dr. B.
3- Where are you on your journey vis-à-vis goals (short term, long term, personal & Doctor’s), clothing size, and health? I need to lose another 50 pounds to have a BMI of 24 - not sure I will go that far. I am in onderland - on the edge of town you might say but still there :-) All I take for meds now is a thyroid and an allergy pill and that feels really good.
4- What has been the most exciting NSV? Realizing I could go through the turn styles at Canadian Tire without fear of getting stuck!!!
5- What has been the most surprising NSV? The speed at which I am going through the sizes.
6- Why would you recommend your choice of WLS? It seems like it is a healthy way to take off the weight. But really I haven't researched the others as this was my only choice given my age.
7- Every WLS choice has pros and cons. Not that we all don’t love our new life...If you ever question your choice of surgery type, what are the things that have been disappointing, or not as you expected/hoped? Definitely the fills and the band requires a lot of willpower!
8- If you have a BMI of 20- 25, what helps you maintain the weight loss? Only a dream at this point.
9- When you look in the mirror, who do you see? Is it a fat girl in skinny clothing? How are you working to change the picture in your head? I must confess that I really don't see a great difference. I've lost 64 pounds and that has to make a difference, but....
10- How do you cope with stress, now that food isn't / shouldn’t be an option? I still think about food/eating but generally try to busy myself with something else.
on 10/21/09 8:05 pm, edited 10/21/09 8:11 pm - saint john, Canada
2- Type of WLS? RNY gasatric bypass
3- Where are you on your journey vis-à-vis goals (short term, long term, personal & Doctor’s), clothing size, and health? I am just past the middle of my weight loss goal. My endo wants me at 160 and that's fine with me. I don't know what size I am as I have not gone to buy clothes yet. I did get a top size XL as opposewd to my pre wls size of 6X at Penningtons.I had a bath,first time in years. More importantly, I am no longer diabetic, no longer asthmatic and the only medication I take besides my vitamins is my pain meds for my back. No more puffers, no more glucose testing and no more diabetic medications.
4- What has been the most exciting NSV? I think the ability to move my body, to pull my knees to my chest, to curl up at the end of the sofa, to cross my legs and mostly to easily reach my feet.
5- What has been the most surprising NSV? Being told by server at motor vehicle that I needed a new picture on my drivers lic because the old one no longer resembled me.
6- Why would you recommend your choice of WLS? No. As much as I love my RNY, I would no more recommed it that I would recommend any type of wls because there are so many negitives as well as positives and it is too personal of a choice to be recommending any type of wls.
7- Every WLS choice has pros and cons. Not that we all don’t love our new life...If you ever question your choice of surgery type, what are the things that have been disappointing, or not as you expected/hoped? Luckily, most all of my cons were during the first 3 months. There were many times when I asked myself "What the devil have I done to myself?". Once I got past the 3 month mark I started to feel so much better and no longer question my decision. I was surprised by the big big changes in my taste perception. With few exceptions, all food tastes so much different now than they did pre-wls. For an example.. we all know what fried chicken tastes like. When we get a craving for it, we can almost taste it without actually getting it. Now though, I find, I remember the taste and look forward to eating it but when I actually bite into it there is NO similarity in what I was expecting and what I am actually tasting. That was surprising. Strangly enough I now like many foods that I wouldn't go near pre-wls. I hated cottage cheese pre-wls but now although I am now lactose intolerant, I love the stuf and eat quite a lot of it. That was surprising too.
8- If you have a BMI of 20- 25, what help you maintain? Not there yet.
9- When you look in the mirror, who do you see? Is it a fat girl in skinny clothing? How are you working to change the picture in your head? No. I think like Charline I never really saw a fat person in the mirror. I was always agast when I saw myself in a picture and was so fat. The strange thing is I dodn't see that much diference when I look in the mirror. I do see the ugly hanging skin under my chin and the many many new wrinkles on my face that were not there this time last year. That is disappointing. I will feel better once I stop losing weight and buy new clothing that fits.
10- How do you cope with stress, now that food isn't / shouldn’t be an option? I still eat what I want to to a point. I cannot drink pop or eat much sweets, or eat a lot. I can do a handful of chips or 2 cookies and that usually satisifys my cravings . I still haven't really developed many coping skills to deal with stress. I still eat just way way less and better food choices. Hopefully when this surgery stops working to capacity, I will have developed better eating habits.
weight surgery day Feb 12 2009 251
Current weight 174
First goal 199 Onederland ( Reached goal Aug 8 @ 198lbs)
Second goal 193 Century Club ( Reached on Aug 30 2009 )
Third goal 180 pounds ( Reached on Nov.23 2009 ) (my personal goal)
Final goal 170 pounds ( reached Jan 5 2011) ( only stayed that weight breifly)
I'm still maggie from the grove

2 years down, a lifetime to go!!!!

2- Type of WLS? Lapband
3- Where are you on your journey vis-à-vis goals (short term, long term, personal & Doctor’s), clothing size, and health? I had been to go summer of 2008 but am up 20 lbs from my lowest so my goal is to get back to there. Wearing size 10 clothes so I'm happy with that ~ just want to ensure I stay there!!!
Fitness-wise, my goal is to learn to run. I'm working on it and hope to do a 5K on New Year's Eve.
4- What has been the most exciting NSV? Losing 100 lbs in Year One.
5- What has been the most surprising NSV? Wearing size 10 after years and years and years of only being able to shop in the "fat lady" store
6- Why would you recommend your choice of WLS? Because it is safer with a shorter recovery time and I feel the long term results are better than RNY (for example). This is only based on my personal experience and people I know. I like the fact that the band is adjustable so there is no "window of opportunity".
7- Every WLS choice has pros and cons. Not that we all don’t love our new life...If you ever question your choice of surgery type, what are the things that have been disappointing, or not as you expected/hoped? Everything really was what I expected -- I just wish the band would stop me when I eat too much of the slider foods. Darn it! I still have to make the healthy choices - this isn't magic unfortunately.
8- If you have a BMI of 20- 25, what helps you maintain the weight loss? I don't know what my BMI is and am too lazy to check at the moment but I'm pretty sure it isn't that low. If I am anywhere close, it would be the 2000 minutes of exercise I do each and every month. Exercise is a huge key for me.
9- When you look in the mirror, who do you see? Is it a fat girl in skinny clothing? How are you working to change the picture in your head? Absolutely - I see fat person. Not the fattest I was (270) but certainly not the 170 I am. I still have a HUGE ass and tree trunk legs. I don't think there is anything I can do to change the picture in my head.
10- How do you cope with stress, now that food isn't / shouldn’t be an option? I still eat which is probably why I am up 20 lbs!