Worst stuck episode yet...

Penelope G.
on 9/25/09 4:25 am, edited 9/25/09 4:30 am - xxxxx, Canada
is anything going to go well for me?  Last night i ate some caserole with ground beef and was very tiny bits.  I chewed it well but that little $%^$%^$%^ piece got stuck like nobody's business.  It was the first time that my body forced me to throw up.  I couldn't conrol it.  I suffered through about 5 hours of absolute misery and decided i better go to bed to try to sleep through the rest.  I couldn't stop vomiting.  I was as careful as I possibly could be cause vomiting is bad.  I was soooooooo sore this morning.  speaking of being hit by a truck.  I'm very swollen i can tell.  I took a sip of boost this morning and about 30 -60 seconds later i could feel the cold liquid go down into my big stomach.  It was very slow slipping through my band.  I'm not as sore this afternoon, but oh my god i will be on liquids for days.  I'm gun shy now.  I hate getting stuck.  I never saw it coming cause i was being so careful.  I hope i didn't damage anything...i'm already nursing a stretched pouch so i don't need any more bad news.  So girls (and guys) chew like you've never chewed before !!!!!  I wanted to write this last night while i was bawling my head off but couldnt get it together enough to do so.  wish me luck over the weekend.  thanks for listening....

362/305/250.6/160  (54.4 since surgery)
1st Fill Dec22 4cc's * 2nd fill May 14 1cc = 5 ccs * 3rd (un)fill June 5 .5cc = 4.5 ccs *4th fill July 8 2cc=6.5cc, unfill of 1cc sept 09 = 5.5cc; Nov 8 fill of 1.5 =7ccs
Abby G.
on 9/25/09 4:43 am - Canada
 That sounds worse than anything I have experienced thus far.  i go on Oct. 8th for my 4th fill (1:15 - anyone else scheduled for that time?).  I feel wide open and no restriction.  I must admit I find myself eating faster and chewing less lately.  I don't want that to happen.  I also wonder if my pouch is stretched.  Thinking I should call Lise to ask for a floroscope.  I've lost only 2-3 pounds since my last fill - not good - but at least not a gain. 
Going on the liquids is the way to go patsy.  Can we get more MediTrim for times like this?  Or do we just do over the counter stuff?  I hope things settle down for you and you are feeling better soon.
on 9/25/09 8:36 am - New Maryland, Canada
I use Glucerna but Rinnette recommends Diabetic Boost for me because it has more protein. For the non- diabetic, ensure or boost or slimfast would be fine.


(deactivated member)
on 9/25/09 8:56 am - Canada
Rinnette told me she gives a phone number of a place they order from, I think it was Montreal , and that the cost for two weeks is around $200.00. I would rather buy the Diabetic Boost, are you given a choice? Thanks for the info.
on 9/25/09 10:29 am - New Maryland, Canada
If you can't afford Meditrim, they recommend Slimfast- 4 per day.


(deactivated member)
on 9/25/09 6:00 am - Canada
Sorry you are having a rough time , I have'nt had my surgery yet, doc. says maybe in Nov., so I can't give you any practical advise. Hopefully others will. But I would like to ask you what kind of liquid diet you were on before your surgery. Do you remember the brand name? Thanks, and I hope the following weeks are kind to you.
on 9/25/09 8:33 am - New Maryland, Canada
I know Lise would say I am wrong, but....it has been my experience that if I bring the stuck food up immediately, it comes up easily & I vomit only one time. If I wait, I usually vomit repeatedly and hard. Plus I am also sore and swollen, where I am not if it comes back up immediately. Of  course, I am not a fan of vomitting. For me this seems to be best.
The best course of action is to eat slowly, small bites and good choices and avoid getting stuck in the first place. Waiters and new losers be aware, it is almost impossible to completely avoid getting stuck .



on 9/25/09 11:29 am - Canada
Patsy I am so sorry for your episode- being stuck sucks I have had it happen a couple times and have cried oh my - I remember one episode with damn raw carrots I was on the floor it was so bad.

I have read people buy Papaya enzyme and that it will speed up digestion and helps unstick stuff- I had never even noticed it before so I thought maybe a US thing- anyway last time I was in the bulk barn my sister was with me and buying vitamins and it just jumped out at me - it really works and helped me leading up to my gb surgery cause I was having such stomach issues -everything was too much and so dense to eat and I had many stuck times - it really works - so now I know all the hype- some say meat tenderizer but I dont think I could stomach it to sip it down.

You know having puked my first 6 months almost everything that went in my mouth - I dont puke anymore I would really have to force myself if something got really stuck- so I know how you feel and how physically hard it is on us and our pouches when we have to and I can only imagine the anxiety when you have your band to be concerned about too.

Hugs hon - pick up some papaya to have on hand and take it easy this weekend

        STARTING 2010 WITH A BANG! 160 LBS LOST!

    WLS JOURNEY: HW-292/SW-273/CW-132-GOAL 125LBS
        WHO WOULD HAVE THUNK IT - ME - 132 LBS ! omg
                 - Happy to be Brenda B's angel !

Krista C.
on 9/25/09 6:51 pm - Quispamsis, Canada
((( Patsy )))

I am so sorry to hear you are having such a rough time of it and hope you are feeling better soon!


on 9/25/09 8:45 pm - Canada
Hey Patsy - Sorry to hear about your difficulty. 

Things that I avoid - from experience:
Coconut, raw carrots, the skin on potatoes, baby tomatoes, HAMBURGER! (OMG that hurts), Lettuce, pork chop - mercy that hurt too.

I have found that the above things get either stuck and/or eventually  hurt.  If you think you are going to throw up then try not to stifle it.  Do it.  Its a productive burp in my estimation and eliminates swelling and pain.  If you are sliming - get it up.  I have only had a very few episodes but once you get stuck on something or once you feel that it hurts going through your stoma - avoid it plain and simple.  I have not eaten hamburger in ages.  The first time lettuce decided to come back up - well now I have salad but no lettuce and no baby carrots - I just cant seem to chew them enough to get them to go down without hurting.  Coconut - that was a stuck episode on a cruise.  Luckily I was in my cabin and I was able to weather the storm in private.  Potato skins - new potatoes and I don't get along so I peel even new ones.  Grape tomatoes - love em but cant seem to chew the skin enough for it to go down. 

Good idea about the papaya enzyme but for me not so good - I am allergic to papaya, mango and kiwi. 

It is a total learning experience as to what foods don't work for you.  Once you have an episode, don't try that food again for a long time.  Give it one more try at a later date and if it still won't go - your body and your band are telling you something and so avoid that food - period.

The chewing thing is hard for me - I have dental issues.  Plus I was always a fast eater - I wolfed down every meal. For me to slow down and chew - well I have to sit at the table and before I pick up my fork or spoon I have to have a little chat with myself.  "remember this is not a race, take your time, count your chews - 20 or more per bite.  Put your fork down between bites.  Don't talk with food in your mouth 'cause you will swallow something that is not chewed enough."  I have to do that every time I eat - EVERY TIME!  And I am serious about the talking.  Do not talk while chewing.  It is inevitable that you will swallow something to get it out of the way and it won't be chewed enough and well the rest will be history repeating itself. 

Some days are not so great.  Some meals are more challenging than others but I figure in about a couple of years I will know what I am doing.  The thing is most everything for me right now goes right through.  But those things I mentioned - regardless of the degree of restriciton or lack thereof - just don't go through or hurt like H E double L.

Hang in there Patsy.  After all we have put an appliance, a device in our body and although Lise and Carolyn have told us what to do, the learning comes in the doing.  All of us are different and our bodies will react differently to the same set of cir****tances.  I make notes in a little book of foods that I have had issues with and I just have to remind myself of these issues so I don't make the same mistake again.

You  have done so well and have been such an inspiration to so many of us.  Please continue to share your experience - that way we all learn what to expect and how to handle it all. 

And remember - after every stuck episode - after every vomitting event - Liquids 2 days and then puree 2 days.  Eventually we will get this figured out.

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