Lapband back and chest pain
Hi there,I was just to see if anyone that had the lapband had back and chest pain after,It is now 3 weeks and I was put in the hospital last night overnight with this.
They did alot of test and did not find any thing witch is good,But I don't know what all this pain is,and how I can get it to go away.It is worst then when I had it done 3 weks ago fells someone ran over me with a truck.
If any one can let me know I would like that thank's.
Called the hospital today but they are not opean untill monday to take to someone.
They did alot of test and did not find any thing witch is good,But I don't know what all this pain is,and how I can get it to go away.It is worst then when I had it done 3 weks ago fells someone ran over me with a truck.
If any one can let me know I would like that thank's.
Called the hospital today but they are not opean untill monday to take to someone.
BMI 43 254 Aug 5th 2009 just befor surgery
243 Aug 19th 2009 day of surgery
206 Feb 15th 5th fill 6mth
202 March 15 7cc
191 may 17th 7.5 cc Did not find this one did much.
186 july aug 28th one year in 177
180 Sept 27th 8.5 CC today I hope this will be the one.
178 feb 11th 8.75 cc
243 Aug 19th 2009 day of surgery
206 Feb 15th 5th fill 6mth
202 March 15 7cc
191 may 17th 7.5 cc Did not find this one did much.
186 july aug 28th one year in 177
180 Sept 27th 8.5 CC today I hope this will be the one.
178 feb 11th 8.75 cc
i get back pain and some chest pain when i get stuck on something. i don't vomit or anything but alot of upper back pain. Dr. beausoleil told me it was referred pain from getting stuck. mine passes in 3 or 4 hours. tylenol usually helps to relax it.

362/305/250.6/160 (54.4 since surgery)
1st Fill Dec22 4cc's * 2nd fill May 14 1cc = 5 ccs * 3rd (un)fill June 5 .5cc = 4.5 ccs *4th fill July 8 2cc=6.5cc, unfill of 1cc sept 09 = 5.5cc; Nov 8 fill of 1.5 =7ccs
I just remember Lise saying "whatever you do, do not make yourself vomit or stick your finger down your throat+. You can cause the band to slip. you are supposed to try to tough it out. rule # 1 was don't vomit. be very careful. for all newbies not vomit unless your body takes over.

362/305/250.6/160 (54.4 since surgery)
1st Fill Dec22 4cc's * 2nd fill May 14 1cc = 5 ccs * 3rd (un)fill June 5 .5cc = 4.5 ccs *4th fill July 8 2cc=6.5cc, unfill of 1cc sept 09 = 5.5cc; Nov 8 fill of 1.5 =7ccs
Iam not vomit,Juat in alot of pain and when they did the Xray they said the ban was good and there was no food in it.So I don't know what the pain is.I called and I have to call back monday to talk to DR s if Iam still not good,This has been 4 days now So I hope it goes away soon
BMI 43 254 Aug 5th 2009 just befor surgery
243 Aug 19th 2009 day of surgery
206 Feb 15th 5th fill 6mth
202 March 15 7cc
191 may 17th 7.5 cc Did not find this one did much.
186 july aug 28th one year in 177
180 Sept 27th 8.5 CC today I hope this will be the one.
178 feb 11th 8.75 cc
243 Aug 19th 2009 day of surgery
206 Feb 15th 5th fill 6mth
202 March 15 7cc
191 may 17th 7.5 cc Did not find this one did much.
186 july aug 28th one year in 177
180 Sept 27th 8.5 CC today I hope this will be the one.
178 feb 11th 8.75 cc
Iam doing better today,I only have pain in my right side so maybe it is going away.I hope so.If not Iam going to go back to the hosp on sunday to get them to look at more things,Thank's
BMI 43 254 Aug 5th 2009 just befor surgery
243 Aug 19th 2009 day of surgery
206 Feb 15th 5th fill 6mth
202 March 15 7cc
191 may 17th 7.5 cc Did not find this one did much.
186 july aug 28th one year in 177
180 Sept 27th 8.5 CC today I hope this will be the one.
178 feb 11th 8.75 cc
243 Aug 19th 2009 day of surgery
206 Feb 15th 5th fill 6mth
202 March 15 7cc
191 may 17th 7.5 cc Did not find this one did much.
186 july aug 28th one year in 177
180 Sept 27th 8.5 CC today I hope this will be the one.
178 feb 11th 8.75 cc
I was never told that. I know that vomiting is not good. but if I try to tough it out and vomit anyway, I vomit much harder. If I up chuck immediately, the food just comes up and I am done. But if I put it off and I vomit anyway, my body retches and I get dry heaves. That is much harder on my band & me.
Did you have gas pain after you had surgery? If so, does it feel like that? Cuz three weeks after I had surgery I started getting that pain and it was horrible, I would curl up into a ball on the couch in agony. Turns out that I developed reflux after the surgery and Dr. B put me on pantaloc and I've felt great ever since