Emergency Surgery August 15th
I posted a while back about tummy issues I was having. Here is the short version of what went on.
Unfortunately - I am one of the unlucky 10% of gastric bypass patients who end up with the post-op complication called "Peterson's Hernia". An internal hernia causing twisting and obstruction of the old stomach and some of the small bowel. I'll spare you all the gory details - but since the end of July I suffered on and off with severe abd pain - finally went to my local ER - the surgeon on call admitted me,- said I was dehydrated, constipated and lots of air in my bowel, and maybe had a partial small bowel obstruction, as well I had a pylenephritis. - I settled down after being NPO for a few days with an IV, and IV antibiotics. Got out after a few days - within a day I was getting so sick again - in my heart I just knew it was something to do with my gastric surgery last year, probably a Peterson's Hernia as was pointed out to me by helpful folk here on OH. I was so afraid of ending up so ill that someone who knew nothing about gastric bypass patients would take me to the OR - so I got on a plane - Mom picked me up and we went to George Dumont Hospital in Moncton -where I had my RNY last year. I settled for a few days because I hadn't eaten in so long - Dr. B told me to stay in the area and eat - either I would get better - or I would get sick - 4 days later I was good and sick and had an emergency laparotomy with repair of Peterson's Hernia on Aug 15. I barely escaped having to have some of my small bowel resected - but the vascular supply returned to it once all the untwisting was done and all my insides were put back where they belong. Was in hospital for a week after. Went to Mom and Dads in PEI for a week after that because DH is away working and I would have been here by myself. I got home on Sunday. I had to start eating almost from scratch again - it is only now that I can almost eat an amount that I ate before I got sick. I still have a gastrostomy tube in place - it's plugged - a real annoyance and painful at times. Have a nice big old incision down my tummy - oh well. I go back to see Dr. B in Moncton on Sept 14th and have the tube removed - hope to be back at work by the end of the month - but it's taking me a while to get my strength and energy back - because I was sick for almost 2 weeks before I even had surgery. I lost 15lbs in a month - I was happy at the weight I was (180) - so hope to put some of that back on. It's been a nightmare - but one I signed on for as I was fully aware of risks and possible complications that the RNY surgery could bring. Looking back - I should have insisted on having a CT scan at my local hospital. And I should have taken the severe abdominal pain more seriously when it first started happening - rather than just waiting until it settled - only to have it return again. Anyhow- I'm alive and kicking - and realize how important this board is to all of us. I became guilty of not participating regularly - I was too busy with "life" I guess. But when I got sick and needed this board - you were all there for me. So I plan to keep active here so I can give back also. Take care all and THANKS!----------------Mary
Unfortunately - I am one of the unlucky 10% of gastric bypass patients who end up with the post-op complication called "Peterson's Hernia". An internal hernia causing twisting and obstruction of the old stomach and some of the small bowel. I'll spare you all the gory details - but since the end of July I suffered on and off with severe abd pain - finally went to my local ER - the surgeon on call admitted me,- said I was dehydrated, constipated and lots of air in my bowel, and maybe had a partial small bowel obstruction, as well I had a pylenephritis. - I settled down after being NPO for a few days with an IV, and IV antibiotics. Got out after a few days - within a day I was getting so sick again - in my heart I just knew it was something to do with my gastric surgery last year, probably a Peterson's Hernia as was pointed out to me by helpful folk here on OH. I was so afraid of ending up so ill that someone who knew nothing about gastric bypass patients would take me to the OR - so I got on a plane - Mom picked me up and we went to George Dumont Hospital in Moncton -where I had my RNY last year. I settled for a few days because I hadn't eaten in so long - Dr. B told me to stay in the area and eat - either I would get better - or I would get sick - 4 days later I was good and sick and had an emergency laparotomy with repair of Peterson's Hernia on Aug 15. I barely escaped having to have some of my small bowel resected - but the vascular supply returned to it once all the untwisting was done and all my insides were put back where they belong. Was in hospital for a week after. Went to Mom and Dads in PEI for a week after that because DH is away working and I would have been here by myself. I got home on Sunday. I had to start eating almost from scratch again - it is only now that I can almost eat an amount that I ate before I got sick. I still have a gastrostomy tube in place - it's plugged - a real annoyance and painful at times. Have a nice big old incision down my tummy - oh well. I go back to see Dr. B in Moncton on Sept 14th and have the tube removed - hope to be back at work by the end of the month - but it's taking me a while to get my strength and energy back - because I was sick for almost 2 weeks before I even had surgery. I lost 15lbs in a month - I was happy at the weight I was (180) - so hope to put some of that back on. It's been a nightmare - but one I signed on for as I was fully aware of risks and possible complications that the RNY surgery could bring. Looking back - I should have insisted on having a CT scan at my local hospital. And I should have taken the severe abdominal pain more seriously when it first started happening - rather than just waiting until it settled - only to have it return again. Anyhow- I'm alive and kicking - and realize how important this board is to all of us. I became guilty of not participating regularly - I was too busy with "life" I guess. But when I got sick and needed this board - you were all there for me. So I plan to keep active here so I can give back also. Take care all and THANKS!----------------Mary
on 9/3/09 3:36 am - Fredericton, Canada
on 9/3/09 3:36 am - Fredericton, Canada
Wow Mary, you sure went through hell to get where you are today!!! I'm glad Dr B was able to make things right for you. You sound like a nurse or someone very experienced in the medical field!!! What part of the country are you from? I have a big fear being just 3 hrs away from the surgeon and the one who knows what he is doing. That was the first question I asked him, what do I do if I run into complications and he told me to have the ER call him directly if I can't do the trip to Bathurst from Fredericton. A lot can happen in a 3 hour road trip and our ER probably doesn't have a lot of experience with these complications yet. My GP assured me a surgeon is a surgeon but I don't believe that, having had a few different ones in my time. Some are definitely better than others.
Just glad you're heading in the right direction again. Take care of yourself and do keep us posted!! Will be thinking about you.
Just glad you're heading in the right direction again. Take care of yourself and do keep us posted!! Will be thinking about you.
Yes- I'm an RN - for the past 27yrs. I work in ER. And - although a surgeon IS indeed a surgeon - I would much prefer a surgeon who is well used to gastric bypass patients taking care of me shuld there be any issues. I live in central Newfoundland - there are no surgeons in my province who do gastric bypass surgery - hence my having has my surgery done in Moncton. Thanks for your kind words and thoughts!
on 9/4/09 3:55 am - Fredericton, Canada
on 9/4/09 3:55 am - Fredericton, Canada
Hi Mary
Boy you must have been freaking out being that far away from your surgeon!! There seems to be pretty good air service between NL and Moncton so that's one good thing and fortunately it wasn't in the winter time. My daughter lives in Gander,,,she and her husband are air traffic controllers and both times I've flown there has been in winter and both times there were major delays!!! I've ordered her to have any further babies outside of winter months.........
Hope things are still going well!!! Take care.
Boy you must have been freaking out being that far away from your surgeon!! There seems to be pretty good air service between NL and Moncton so that's one good thing and fortunately it wasn't in the winter time. My daughter lives in Gander,,,she and her husband are air traffic controllers and both times I've flown there has been in winter and both times there were major delays!!! I've ordered her to have any further babies outside of winter months.........
Hope things are still going well!!! Take care.

Yes Casey - I was close to freaking out. There are no surgeons in NL who do RNY. My biggest fear was getting too sick to make decisions for myself and ending up having surgery by someone who knows nothing about the "normal" RNY anatomy and it's possible complications. And you are right - the air service between here and there is great. And also - my parents have a summer home on PEI- they are there for 2 months a year. So it worked out that Mom and Dad could be there with me. DH just couldn't have gotten away for that long.. I'm just glad there was no sign of fog when I needed to go. Thanks- and take care!