First Question (many to follow!)
on 8/16/09 2:30 am - Fredericton, Canada
on 8/16/09 2:30 am - Fredericton, Canada
Did any of you have your meal replacements paid for by your insurance company? I thought they would pay for it if you have a dr's Rx but they laughed me off the phone on Friday when I called the insurance co to see if they did. I've been given conflicting information before from my insurance co so I may call again this week and see if I get the same answer!!

Mine did not pay as it is over the counter,You can keep all your receipt and you can clam it on your income tax.that is what I did,Hope this helped you some
BMI 43 254 Aug 5th 2009 just befor surgery
243 Aug 19th 2009 day of surgery
206 Feb 15th 5th fill 6mth
202 March 15 7cc
191 may 17th 7.5 cc Did not find this one did much.
186 july aug 28th one year in 177
180 Sept 27th 8.5 CC today I hope this will be the one.
178 feb 11th 8.75 cc
243 Aug 19th 2009 day of surgery
206 Feb 15th 5th fill 6mth
202 March 15 7cc
191 may 17th 7.5 cc Did not find this one did much.
186 july aug 28th one year in 177
180 Sept 27th 8.5 CC today I hope this will be the one.
178 feb 11th 8.75 cc
np keep all your gas and trips to the hosp also you can clam that just get a papper each time go go to say you were there then keep the gas slip.
BMI 43 254 Aug 5th 2009 just befor surgery
243 Aug 19th 2009 day of surgery
206 Feb 15th 5th fill 6mth
202 March 15 7cc
191 may 17th 7.5 cc Did not find this one did much.
186 july aug 28th one year in 177
180 Sept 27th 8.5 CC today I hope this will be the one.
178 feb 11th 8.75 cc
243 Aug 19th 2009 day of surgery
206 Feb 15th 5th fill 6mth
202 March 15 7cc
191 may 17th 7.5 cc Did not find this one did much.
186 july aug 28th one year in 177
180 Sept 27th 8.5 CC today I hope this will be the one.
178 feb 11th 8.75 cc
I claimed mine on income tax. but a word to the wise. Keep very good records. I did my income tax last year and submitted it electronically and now they are auditing me for the medical expense portion. Now I am backpeddalling and having to get records and letters from Hospital, MSI, etc. It's a pain in the butt. so good record keeping is the key.

362/305/250.6/160 (54.4 since surgery)
1st Fill Dec22 4cc's * 2nd fill May 14 1cc = 5 ccs * 3rd (un)fill June 5 .5cc = 4.5 ccs *4th fill July 8 2cc=6.5cc, unfill of 1cc sept 09 = 5.5cc; Nov 8 fill of 1.5 =7ccs