Hi....if approved lap-band now paid for.......
...as of April 1st.I phoned Dr Beausoleil's office...Natalie was kind enough to confirm this.I asked if it was possible it would be retroactive....she directed me to Alain Bechard at the Georges Dumont 862-4288 (he is in accounting or something).Very nice man,he said they have VERBALISED they will retroactively honor this but he has not been given the exact date they will go back to yet.....good luck.

Hi Dianne,
I called myself Alain Béchard on Friday (thanks for the phone number) and he confirmed that it's now official, the Health Department will reimburse retroactively (but no specific date yet). He got the confirmation from the Department on Friday morning. My surgery was on February 28, and he said I am eligible. He said it would take probably three weeks before we get the check in the mail. I was thrilled!