Hi just wanted to let you know I finally got a date ...after 6 years of ups and downs!! March 12th is my date. I will actually be having surgery in Halifax now though! I have been very ill and am partially paralysed in my left leg from disk pressing on sciatic nerve, nerves to bladder and bowels also effected. (regained some feeling from the knee down yesterday) Just spent 3 months in hospital. The correct name for my condition is sciatica caused by 2 badly herniated disks. They are hoping some weightloss will help eliviate the pressure. So I am being done as quickly as possible. I am having the Gastric Sleeve as this is the procedure he feels is best for me. The lap-band is not an option here. If after some weightloss my problems have not resolved, then unfortunately I am having MAJOR back surgery, with a 50/50 chance of permanant paralysis in both legs, due to location of bad disks.
So please wish me luck and keep me in your prayers. The power of prayer is so strong and I need all I can get. I am very scared about being under anaesethic for the longest time ever. I had difficulties waking up with smaller surgeries!
I will keep everyone posted.
Krista Cook

wow im glad to hear that you have a date and im happy for the good news!! I cant belive you have to wait 6 years ! Thats amazing. I fell bad for being frustrated and ive only been waiting for 3 years. How long didi it take before you were able to get to an info session?? Good luck in your health issiues krista!:fairy:
Thank you! Sorry it took so long to respond, but with the back and all it is hard to sit for too long in one position.
My wait time has been very long because of many different things. I have beeen passed around to 3 different Doctors, my file was lost a couple of times...etc. I am now on my 4th Doctor and finally scheduled AGAIN for sugery.
My consult with Dr Beausoleil took 15 months to get and then 1 month to info session, and 2 months to paper signing. (but I did not make it).
I am on the final countdown now..a bit nervous, excited, just about everything!
Good luck on your journey!