Back from my info session...
I went to my info session on Dec 11/07.It was an informative day.We met a man who lost over 160lbs and just had a tummy tuck done.He looked great.He said he had a rough time first starting out and could barely eat anything but feels and looks great now.I think its great that he took the time to come in and support us.There was three other people waiting for surgery at the table none of them have ever been on this message board.So I told them about it.Hopefully we see them online.
I know all this traveling is getting extremely expensive over a thousand dollars for flight ,hotel,transportation food for a day and a half.
I wish I could have done multiple things at once.I am not wanting or asking to jump the line but re finances etc just combining appts to ease the cost so it doesn't hurt so much.
Just waiting for a call to sign contract.I hope its soon.All the best to all that is still waiting and those who are already on the journey after having the surgery.