Hi's and update!
Hey there everyone that knows me
... and even anyone who doesn't ... just wanted to say a quick hello to everyone, hope you all survived Thanksgiving, and are having a wonderful Fall.. I think the weather is better than this summer LOL... Anyway, just a quick progress update... I'm now down 136 lbs from last December 12th, and feeling amazing... The weight loss definitely slowed down some from what I was experiencing in the late winter early spring, I hit a plateau of sorts... but it's not discouraging at all considering what I have already accomplished, I'm still feeling pretty good about it all... despite the gallbladder problems... even that is getting better... finally *L* I hope everyone is doing fabulous and I would love to see some updates and progress notes from all my friends!!! Hugggzzz to everyone!

Hi Angela, great to hear from you, you look amazing! I am doing well...still have extra mural in every second day to change dressings, I am sorta disappointed in my weight loss I don't know why I think I was expecting to come home and be thin. I have lost 60 pounds since surgery July 24th and since my information session last September I have actually lost 101 pounds, I know I should be jumping for joy so whats wrong with me??? This may sound really crazy to some but I miss eating and I don't enjoy going places, shopping, visiting etc even going for a drive with my husband all these things meant have a big feed. I feel like I lost something that I loved. Will I get past this? Sorry to rant but I needed to see if anyone else felt this way. Take care.
OMG Mim, you are not crazy for feeling that way... I know myself, going anywhere was a food event.. every place I went, the plan revolved around where we were going to eat... I think I still do the same thing, I just make wiser choices when I choose what I'm going to eat...The hardest part of all of this is our mindset, and you have to make the decision whether or not you are going to be healthy... it will get easier and easier to eat, very soon, and the HARD part is not eating the bad stuff, or overeating when you do... you went through wayyy too much to give that up now.. I know it is hard, and I know how you are feeling, but you have to get a support system behind you some how... AND WOW Mim, if you have lost over 160 pounds total since last year you should be doing more than jumping for joy, you should be jumping through hoops! I dont' know what your health situation is right now, or if you can work out, but maybe adding some daily exercise into your routine will help.. I know it keeps me sane! When I get feeling really down, I go work out, and I instantly feel better. So keep your chin up, you can do this and if you ever need to vent, feel free... I still have pretty big shoulders LOL..
Good morning Angela, thank you for your kindness, I have started walking, 45 min per day and after I get healed up I am going to start swimming. Oops on the numbers for the weight loss my mistake. I meant that I lost 101 pounds since last September...wi**** was 160 but it will be! Someday! I have lost 60 pounds since July 24th. Take care.
Hi back!!
thank you for the update..it is so great when you guys who have completed surgery keep those of us still waiting up to date. It is really inspiring and gives hope!! CONGRATS!!!!! You are doing so amazing...you must feel so much better?? Do you have any regrets?
I just completed my consult with Dr B on wednesday and I am anxious to finally get the ball rolling. Hopefully it wont be too long from here on in...although he really was not sure of a timeline.
Keep up the good work you look amazing!! Keep us posted!
Take care
Krista Cook

Thank you so much Krista! That means a lot... and regrets?? Not even one... nothing.. I am so deliriously happy with the choice that I made, I can't even explain it... I still have a long way to go, about 80 pounds I still want to lose, and then a lifetime of keeping it off... but great friends and family, and sheer determination will help me keep it off... I honestly don't feel like I have given up anything, as I still eat regular, normal food, just a lot less of it.. and sometimes, the occasional treat... but I try to keep those to a minimum...
Happy to hear that you have completed your consult with Dr. B.. he's so awesome... soon you will be on the loser side of the tracks... looking forward to seeing you here!
Ciao for now!