just an update
Good morning, I had my appointment yesterday with Dr B, incision is healing, extra mural changing bandages daily, lost 6 pounds since I saw Dr B 2 weeks ago, that means I have lost 53 pounds since my gastric bypass July 24th. I am happy with my loss I know I could not have done it on my own. Its a uphill battle even though I cannot over eat doesn't mean I don't want to eat like I used to. Normally a trip to Moncton meant a big feed at a buffet and yesterday I had soup at the hospital cafeteria. They can fix my stomach, wonder if i an get my head fixed???
Congrats on the continued weight loss!! I am happy to hear that you are feeling better then you were...you had such a rough go! I wish you all the continued success on your weight loss journey to a new you!! It must be so strnge to fill up so quickly...as funny as it sounds I am looking forward to that!!
Take care and keep us posted!
Krista Cook

Yes, I think that's the whole idea...Dr. B fixed one part and now it's up to (and your support team) to fix the head part. Basically, we (because I am right there with ya!) have to realize (as easy as it sounds) that eating all kinds of good foods is not the only way to feel good. There are so many things out there, in our lives, that we have to start paying more attention to. There is more to life than food - and even though we don't think it, we have to drill it into our heads. But most important, go out find other things to fufill your life. That's the hard part for me, as I am totally an introvert.
Anyhoo, I wish you all the best, Mim!!
Shanan ;)