101 lbs gone!!! Holy Crap!!! LOL
WOW 101 lbs! That is great!
I called the other day and I guess I am number 12 on the list. So likely I won't get in until August or Sept that is if the Dr doesn't take a vacation, and doesn't get sick or doesn't have to turn anyone away for not having a bed in the hospital.
I thought I would be done by now since I had my all day session in Nov and signed papers in Jan. But oh well, nothing you can do, he is a busy man.
But that is wonderful you are down 101 lbs. Just amazing! You will have to post some new pics!!!!
CONGRATZ!!!!!! You should be happy! And it cheers all us depressed waiting people up a bit

I am also in Saint John, and if you don't mind I have a couple of questions.
Firstly, I had no idea that we even HAD this option here. I thought we'd have to go to the USA, find a doctor ourselves, pay out of our own pocket, etc. Is that what you had to do, or was it covered? My doctor has never mentioned it as a possibility, even though she has been overseeing my many failed attempts at keeping weight off for years.
How did you manage to actually have the surgery? Did your family doctor help you at all?
Hi Angela! CONGRATS!!!
Just when I feel like giving up all hope of ever getting my turn, stories like yours give me hope again. I know it will be so worth the wait! After 4.5 years of waiting it gets a bit discouraging... but I know my turn will come, and my new life will begin!
How are you doing with tolerating foods? Is there stuff you are unable to eat that you liked before? Did you have to exercise a lot to get the weight off? Keep us posted on your progress!
Best of luck!
Thanks so much... just hearing congrats from people is motivating... *S* And believe me, as frustrating as it all is now, it IS WORTH IT...
I am not having any problems tolerating foods at all.. there are a lot of things that I don't really care for anymore, and anything fried makes me feel sick for a few hours after I eat it... other than that, I can have anything I like. At first though, it was different. There were a lot of things I just didn't want to eat. I couldn't put meat in my mouth at all and hated the smell of it cooking. And toast.. the smell of toast made me sick LOL.. but thats all gone now and I don't have a problem at all. I still don't like much meat but I know I need my protein and force myself to eat it anyway. As for exercise, I LOVE IT.. I always have. When I was thin (a long time ago) I was a workout a holic LOL..and now that I can move pain free again I am at the gym 5 times a week and when I can't go to the gym I go walking (which I hate) for 3-5 km's. It took a while to get my knee in good enough shape to go that far, but I push myself a little more everyday... When I started at the gym, I could only do 3 minutes on the eliptical trainer and now I'm up to 45 mins of running on it.. gotta love it!!!