I'm back
Hey all
I'm back. Just a quick update. I'm doing great not in to much pain. Only hurts when breathing deeply and burping. Other then that I'm doing great! I start off slow in the mornings but after a couple of hours am doing great!
Cant wait to get to my 3 week appt to see how much ive lost :D
Hi everyone
I'm back at my own apartment with high speed now so can do a better update lol. Tuesday was pretty much spent sleeping. When i got out of surgery though i hurt like heck lol til they pumped me full of pain meds. that night i asked one of the nurses if he actually went through with the surgery cause i couldnt feel anything. I got up for an hour and 20 minutes and sat in the chair. I was a bit dizzy at first but I guess thats normal, oh and every body fluid that comes out of you for about 12 hours after surgery will be blue or green lol cause of the dye used to check for leaks. No one told me that part lol. Then tuesday night pretty much was out of it most of the time. Wednesday am i had jello for breakfast 1 hour to eat 1/4 a cup lol. i had broth for dinner... again 1 hour to eat 1/2 of that. Basically felt like I was always eating cause id just finish one and start sipping water and theyd take another one in and id have to stop drinking to eat. Their chicken broth and cream of veggie soup is really good though lol i wish i could have taken some home with me lol.
I was moved up to the 4th floor when they had room for me wednesday night. I seen his assistant in the am who checked my staples said all looked well and that as soon as dr b came in they'd let me go...sooooo 3 pm dr b strolls in and im free to go.
Im in very minimal pain. mostly after long car drives. I only took 2 pills friday and one today. only reason i took one today was cause i was sitting in the car for 3 hours.
The gas though is PAINFUL lol. Makes ya feel like ya wanna throw up but nothing but air comes up. Burping really hurts me. and unfortunatly that seems to be the way all my gas wants to take haha. sorry if thats TMI just letting ppl know what they are in for.
All and all I'm doing great and feeling very very little pain. One tip though... buy prune juice and drink it for about a week after surgery lol.
I never feel hungry though and when i look at big meals right now its like omg im so full i could never eat what they are eating lol.
But I've made it though and am doing excellent. I'll make sure you are all updated at my process.
Hey Darlene,
Thank you
I'm actually on a full fluid diet right now. I had bypass surgery so I think the diet for that is a little different.
Its odd eating now cause I get full off 1/4 cup of pretty much anything. And when I look at the "meals" other people eat its just like omg that is so much food.. and it kinda makes my stomach flip flop.
Even looking at pics of like a whole chicken was like omg i cant even fathom eating any of that.
Things are really good though
very very minimal pain. when i get it now insted of popping a pill I just go lay down for an hour and its gone. I'd rather do that then take unnecessary pain pills.