I got my call!!!
hey Lori,
They went fine. I've lost 13.8 lbs since December. They want me to lose another 5 lbs by the 3rd of April.... gotta get my butt to the gym regularly now!
They talked alot about the surgery, and after care. Then I just went and got 4 vials of blood taken, an ecg and 2 chest x-ray's.
Now just to lose the 5 lbs.. cause if i dont.. they may not do the surgery

I know
i guess that is until the final 3 week pre-op. They need to know that your doing your 1200 calorie diet thing. And she said there is no way anyone on a 1200 calorie diet for 3 weeks well technically 2 wouldnt lose some weight. I asked her what if I stay the same weight. She told me that the dr would make the decision at that point. But they really wanted me to try and lose another 5 lbs..
OMG I went to value village yesterday HAHA this can not turn into a good thing lol. I got 4 pairs of pants for "post op" for 30$... lord I cant even get 1 pair of pants now on sale for 30$ haha.

Yay for you Charity! I go the 17th...and yeah I've lost like 33 lbs since my consultation and Lise said she'd like to see another 5 lbs gone when I go back on the 10th of April for my test results...
This 1200 a day calorie pre-diet is really giving me migraines though and making me a bit dizzy..and tired! But I'm really looking forward to it..
See ya on the flipside Charity!