How long has everyone been waiting for surgery?
How long have you been on the list waiting for Dr B? RNY or Lap Band?
I was referred and put on the list in the spring of 2004 so it's been 3 years for me. I had 2 appts with the pneumologist (Dr Beausoleil in Moncton) that year and was approved by Medicare within 6 months (I think)
My first appt to see Dr B was last August - had my full day information session in Jan of this year and am now waiting for the call to sign consent forms. At the session, they said surgery should be within 6 months (5 now). It's such a long haul!
What has been your experience?
I went to my family doc in May of '05, told him I wanted it.. he had the papers done and submitted by August 30st '05 (he had to wait for a letter from my neuro) and I was approved that day and Dr. B's office received notice that I was approved on the 31st. I had my Consult on August 8th ( i think) of '06. My info session November '06, Signed my papers December '06 and am now waaiting for my surgery which will hopefully be in April.
So Roughly 2 years since I mentioned it to my family doctor.
I had asked my family Dr to go see Dr B 16 months before I got this appointment on April 27th 2006, that is when I saw Dr B.
I did it backwards, my family Dr didn't know I was supposed to be approved by medicare first to make things go faster. So then I had to go see Dr Dornan in Saint John that was in July. That was a crazy situation there. Story for another time...long story...basically I was lost somewhere in paper work between medicare and Dr B.
My all day session was Nov 7th I think. and I signed papers in on Jan 5th. Actually Charity and I were in the same all day session, but I signed papers a month after she did.
When i signed my papers the Dr said surgery would be in a couple of months. But the nurse said within 6 months. I think there are a few people scheduled between me and Charity so i am thinking mine won't be until June. And I am for the RNY as well.
So I guess that is about 26 months so far.
My family doctor referred me to Dr Alan MacDonald in Halifax in June 2002. Yes. It will be 5 years in June. Dr MacDonald retired before he got to me but he referred me to Dr B in Moncton so for a while I was on the list for both surgeons. Medicare denied me on my first attempt I appealed and was approved in September 2005 while I was a paitent in DECH Fredericton with cellitius I have severe lymphedema in my leg and was in hospital(s) first hospital scalded my leg
they sent me to DECH by ambulance. Finally has my first consult with Dr B in July 2006. Information session in Sept 2006 signed consent forms in December 2006, awaiting pre op testing ....not exactly a speedy process.

Hey there Krista:
I am still fairly new to all this and I am sure it is very frustrating with all the waiting for calls and appointments etc...As I had been saying before I started my journey last November 2006 by going to my family dr first and letting her know that I really would like to have the gastric bypass so she went ahead and sent my information to both Dr B in Moncton and Dr Dornan here in Saint John so that started the ball rolling so I thought...well I had my appointment on February 8th of this year 2007 and Dr Dornan informed me that before even Dr B in Moncton can even see me about anything Medicare will not approve anyone right now unless you see an Indocrinologist and start a diet plan and see this doctore for at least anywhere from 8-12 months then Dr D sends off my information to Medicare for them to approve me to go see Dr B in Moncton....It was kind of frustrating but I understood as I guess people have been aproved way before they should have without having the mind set to begin this journey down the weight loosing road and have not held to the post op eating that they should have. Dr Dornan explained it all out to me and he is a very nice and understanding person and I go back to see the dietician in his clinic on March 8th and she will go over things with me to help me loose the weight then I go see Dr D in May for a follow I guess I am going in the right direction just going about it the long way and I hope the right way. He said to expect at least a wait of 16-18 months I guess that is better then nothing....A friend of mine is waiting for his call for surgery with Dr B next month and he has been waiting 18 months Dr B has him on a 1000 cal a day diet and he has been loosing weight but has to continue to loose until he goes back to see him and if he gains just a half a pound Dr B will cancel his procedure my friend also was telling me that if you are a smoker and go to see Dr B he will not take you but only shake your hand and tell you to have a great life...he does not want any smokers at all...thank goodness I have quite smoking awhile back...
anyway that is about all the information I have about things right now...I have been sick for the past week with this Norwalk Flu and let me tell you I know I have lost weight with this and what a way to loose weight I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy at all....bad stuff ...Hope to hear from you soon...take care and don't get too are almost at the end of your wait and ready to start your next journey in this change for the better..