Went to full day info session and here's what I learned
Well, I must say I am totally flabberghasted. I am to go to Moncton on Tuesday to get the results back from my pre-op testing for my surgery on Jan 30 for Lapband. And NOW I find out..that no one in 5 years has met their goal weight loss. What on earth am I doing? $4500 out of my pocket for what? Why are they toting this surgery as the be all and end all of wls...if it does not work? WHy did Dr. B talk me out of RNY and steer me to Lapband if they are not getting results? I wish I could express how upset I am at this moment..well have been since I read this original post on Friday. I don't know what to do. At this moment, I feel that when I go down to Moncton on Tuesday, I will have my money refunded, then try to decide what to do...do I go back on the RNY list..to be honest, I am feeling like I have been taken in or misled. I really have no idea what to do...
Sorry to be such a downer. I think I am more mad at myself for not asking the right questions.
Hi Carol - I was shocked to but then I thought "Well - 100 lbs is actually what I want to lose" (270 - 170 lbs) so that's good enough for me. And losing 100 is worth $4500 to me - as long as it comes off and stays off.
I also don't understand why they say the lap band only "works" for 5 years. I'm going to ask why that is as well.
Let me know how you make out this week and please ask them for some more details. I will email them as well and see if they answer. I guess I didn't think to ask WHY people didn't get to their goal weight. Maybe I didn't want to ask in front of the 2 ladies giving their testimonies in the room -- they had lost alot of weight too but were definitely not at goal.
thank's for the reply Krista. I dropped in on the yahoo group and emailed a couple of the girls there who had the band done over a year ago and see how they are doing and feel and such. Hubby thinks I am just getting cold feet and looking for reasons not to have it done. Maybe he is right.. I am with you on the 100lb loss..I'd be happy with that. I guess I just need to calm down.
I just wish there was an Easy Button like the ones from Staples for decission making...or hey! even weight loss...I'd spend $4500 on one of them

After talking to Lise and Rinette on Thursday I feel much better about the things I misunderstood. I'm getting RNY, but just talk to them and ask all the questions you need to. From what I understand from them, they haven't even been doing the lap band surgery in NB for five years yet.. so...
Info sometimes gets misconstrued or can be confusing when passed from person to person through no fault of their own, if you're really worried, go straight to the horses mouth and get clarification.
Try not to worry. You've come a long way, get the info you need and don't give up.
Thanks Jay for the post back. I really have to appoligise because I am not usually so flippy with my emotions. Yesterday was a bad day, but as I said it might have just been me being afraid of the surgery and looking for a way out as Mike told me. I just should have stayed offline and not posted anything *LOL* I woke up this morning with more of a peace about things. I guess God finally felt sorry for me and gave me a clear head to reason with. That coupled with your message makes me feel so much better. I had emailed three ladies from the maratime yahoo group who had lapband surgery. I got 2 responses ..one very good and one not good at all. But when you read between the lines you get a fuller picture of what was going on.
I just have to trust in God, myself and Dr. B's team and know this is the right choice for me. I think alot of it is the guilt of spending that much money on myself. But I will deal with that also. When I went for my pre-op testing I found out that my blood pressure was sky high so I went to our family doc that evening and he put me on medication. In the long run I just have to remember that $4500 for my wls is a fair amount less than the price of a funeral. I had no idea I had high blood pressure and that is was so high..it terrified me.
anyhoodles...you all have a wonderful sunny Sunday, and thank you again.
Talk soon