Went to full day info session and here's what I learned
Sharing my learnings -- mainly on lap band as that's the one I'm going for
It was an excellent day - the nurse, dietician, psychology dept and 2 patients (one bypass and one lap band) shared their stories with us. WELL WORTH the wait and the day off from work!
- if you are not having the surgery for your health, then you are there for the wrong reason
- gastric bypass works for about 18-24 months and the lapband works for about 3 years. After that time, you have to diet like anyone else
- you may be ready for the surgery, but you have to be ready to make the changes required
- next appt is to sign the consent form and that is when I will find out my appt date for the surgery
- 3 weeks prior to the surgery, there is a 3 hour appt where you undergo blood tests, cardiogram, xray
- 1 week before surgery you get weighed again as you need to lose weight prior to having the surgery
- Dr B has done over 100 bypass surgeries and around 60 Lap Band
- need to learn to chew, chew, chew your food. If food gets stuck, there is nothing you can do but wait it out.
- 3 people have died in NB from the gastric bypass surgery (2%) - 2 were over the age of 50; nobody died on the table
- pasta, bread and rice are not well-tolerated with either surgery. However, this varies from person to person and it's just a trial and error thing you need to go through
- after surgery, your meals are 1 cup of food total for the rest of your life
- all lap band surgeries he has done have been larascopic
- you will not be hungry in your stomach; head hunger is another story
- saline is used to fill the band. First fill is 7 weeks after surgery and is usually 4CC in a 10CC band. Average is 3-5 fills for their patients (I believe they have been doing the surgery since 2002 for lapband)
- should take 20 minutes to half hour to eat your 1 cup of food. After half hour stop whether you are done eating or not
- 45 minute surgery
- all fills are done under fluoro in the radiology department with the doc and a radiologist on hand each time. You are given a barium drink at the time to ensure the fill is "good"
- if you drink carbonated pop or beer, this will enlarge the pouch so it is recommended to avoid these
- do not drink and eat at the same time - stop drinking 1/2 hour before eating and don't drink after for 45-60 minutes
- 1-2 lbs / week is the rate for weight loss
- 2-4 weeks off work (obviously I will be on the 2 week end as my work is not physical)
- if you gain weight on the 3 week pre-op diet your surgery will be postponed. You should lose 6-10 lbs during those 3 weeks pre-op
- most people do have to have plastic surgery when they lose all their weight. There is a LONG waiting list and it is not covered by our Medicare plan. $4000-6000 for a tummy tuck, $4000 for arms, $4000 for legs, $2000-3000 for breasts
- exercise help but most people do end up needing plastic surgery
- drink 1.5L of water / day post surgery but not more than 2
- instead of using expensive protein powders, add Carnation Instant Skim Milk to soup, milk, yogurt, anything. This is alot cheaper!
- no psych testing done in NB
- so far in NB, no one has reached their goal weight. The most lost is 100 lbs so far with the Lap Band. The lady who talked to us had surgery in June of last year and was down 56 lbs with one fill
- post op, you only have to do ONE DAY of clear liquids (used to be 2 weeks but research has shown there was no benefit to that). For the first 2 weeks after that, it is "mixed fluid" - anything that could pass through a straw although you are not to use a straw. 12 cups a day of fluids.
- week 3 & 4, you can have pureed food
- day 28 onward - normal eating (Canada's Food Guide) but only 1 cup / meal eaten within 30 minutes

That is pretty much the exact same thing from my all day session...
although they didn't tell us that no one has reached goal weight in NB yet. I am a little worried about them saying that .....some one should have reached it by now I would think, not exactly sure how long they have been doing the surgery there in Moncton but I know I am on Month 25 in the whole process, so i know they have been doing it for at least that long. So in over 2 years I would have hoped that there would be more then none reaching goal weight.
Only a hundred pounds lost? PLEASE Tell me that's just with lap-band. I'm getting RNY and have so much to lose that a hundred pounds really isn't going to make much of a dent for me.
I was under the impression that medicare would cover the tummy tuck if your panni was so low that it interfered with "reproduction" or caused skin problems, rashes, yeast infections and such. I don't know where I heard that, but I'll have to ask if there are any situations where it would be.
Now I'm a little disheartened about a few things, but thanks for sharing the info. Maybe things will be clearer about RNY for me when I have my session.
I know a few people who have lost large amounts of weight and because of skin rashes under the panni the tummy tuck has been covered. If there is that much excess skin that its hanging down I'm pretty sure medicare will cover it.
Hope that helps a bit.
I'm also getting RNY and counting on the tummy tuck being covered, although I still hold out hope my skin will not be *that* bad lol One can dream can't they.
Thanks so much for replying Charity. There's so much I guess I'm still not completely sure of even though I've done SO much research it always sounds so much more real coming out of your surgeon's mouth. Your reply definitely helps. I guess I'm just so antsy because even though I've been covered, it just doesnt feel real until I get my info session or my surgery date.
I have met a few people in Fredericton who had the RNY done and have lost more then 100 lbs so I think that is for the Lap band...but I still can't believe that no one has gotten to goal weight....that is scary!!
I meet a guy here at a meeting (where a few people who had the surgery already and a couple of us who are waiting for a call for a date) got together. The two that already had the surgery both had lost more then 100 lbs. I think the guy had lost over 200 since surgery, and also had to lose an extra 100 before Dr B would even do the surgery. And he still has some to go I think, but lots of skin.
As for the tummy tucks....I do know a few people who it was covered for. I guess it is hard to get it covered but they said to take pictures of rashes and document everything and that would help with coverage from medicare. Also at our all day session they said they knew of a few who had everything covered, and that with more WLS people that medicare seemed like they were covering more and more plastic surgery.
The two people that were at that meeting, plus another girl that I met earlier, they all have not gotten to goal, although they have lost a lot of weight. So maybe no one has gotten to goal in the over 5 years....but that still scares me...someone should have by now!!!!
Over christmas I met with a girl my dentist introduced me to, she had surgery in NY. She is doing amazing! Is at goal and is 2.5 years out. Had RNY. So it is possible...just wondering what is going on with everyone in NB....hmmmmm
Thanks so much for the info Krista . I was talking with Dr B's office on Thursday and I'm # 3 waiting for the info session , but January is all booked and it looks like they are not having any in February , she told me it will be late March most likely! It seems when I get close to the month they tell me than it gets moved ahead .
I thought you were going for RNY , but from the sound of your post , you must be going with the band? My Friend had the band done about 18 months ago in Moncton , she looks great but it not really happy with her results !
My other friend had Gastroplasty in Halifax about 20 months ago , she too looks terrific , she had to do 6 weeks of fluids . She had a hard time with that , then she moved on to puree ... she was quite impressed with the program in NB , she had nothing like that here.
Well , I guess if I stop worrying about my appointment it will be here before I know it !