Back from the Information Session

on 9/19/06 12:12 pm - Fredericton, Canada
Wow what a long and tiring day today was.. I had the day long information session today, got up at 4:30 am and finally arrived at 8:20 a bit late, but not by much.. I finally got to meet some of the folks I've been corrresponding with here, Carol and Marina. As far as the session goes, they give you a very thick booklet and then they go through step by step, the advantages and disadvantages of both the lap and bypass. Then your reasons for it, primary or secondary reasons, primary would be like health reasons etc. secondary would be because you want to be able to wear a size 2 or something. They inform you of the types of complications for both types of surgeries.. and Lise did mention that for the bypass they have seen every type of complication at some point ranging from leakage, and bowel obstruction. The typical length of stay for a bypass with no major complications is 2 days and for the lap band you're in and out on the same day. Later on in the afternoon, a psychologist came in and talked about other lifestyle changes that may take place after surgery, like career related issues, family and friend support, and how to substitute something else in place of food for head hunger and emotional issues. Then we had a patient of Dr. B's come in and talk about her experience with the bypass. She had her's done the middle of December and has since lost 109 lbs in 9 months. She recommends the surgery to anyone and said she had no problems or complications at all. Overall it was presented very well, but for those of us who have been researching this for years it was a bit repetitious.
Sherry C.
on 9/19/06 12:30 pm - Eastern Passage, Canada
Hi Pamela ... My name is Sherry ... I am meeting with Dr B on Thursday for the first time . How long did you wait between this session and the first one? When do you hope to have the surgery ? Does he tell you on your first appointment aprox what time frame you are looking at? 6 .. 12 .. or 24 months etc... Sorry for all the questions ... I am just getting a bit excited now that it seems real!!
on 9/19/06 12:55 pm - Fredericton, Canada
Hi Sherry I had my first consult with Dr. B on July 10th, and during that first consultation he takes your BMI and gets you to list your co-morbidities and medications you are on and asks you which diets you've tried previously, then he places you in a category. He placed me in a category 1 and he said I'd have my surgery within 6 months but probably before then. During this session they inform you that once you have the info session it can happen anytime. They usually get you to go on a 3 week pre-surgery diet,,the exact same on that's on page 22 and 23 on your book that you'll probably get when you see Dr. B but if you begin to make some changes now and lose weight in the meantime and they know this then if there are any cancellations you may get called before you have a chance to do the pre surgery diet.
Sherry C.
on 9/19/06 8:07 pm - Eastern Passage, Canada
Hi again Pamela, I have some more questions .... if you don't mind ??? What type of surgery are you having? How long ago did you start your journey towards wls surgery? So I guess you are ready for this ?? I am happy for you !!
on 9/19/06 11:09 pm - Fredericton, Canada
I'm having the gastric bypass and I started this rollecoaster back in 2002... I was finally approved via medicare last fall. So it's been a farily long time. and yes I'm more then ready! if they called right now I'd be gone...
Sherry C.
on 9/22/06 5:47 am - Eastern Passage, Canada
Hey Pamela!!! I had my session with Dr B yesterday .... he said my all day session will be within the next 2 months and my surgery if I go for GP will be 6-7 months after that . I got approval for Gastric Bypass from NS MSI and partial coverage for Lapband if I go that route it will be less wait . I was all set for GP ... but I have a few doubts ... I will decide soon . The band would be ok , but i can not afford it right now ... maybe in a few years but it may be too late then ... the wait list will only get worse and I might get more unhealthy.
on 9/22/06 6:12 am - Dieppe, Canada
Hi Pamela, I like to read your messages cause you give all details I'm looking for. I have not seen Dr. B. yet. I've been approved by Medicare in May. Nathalie, Dr. B's secretary, told me at the end of August that I should receive a call in December, or early 2007. Can't wait. I find the waiting very hard, although I know in other provinces the waiting is much more longer. Don't stop giving us details! Hope to read you soon. Pascale
Krista C.
on 9/23/06 11:28 pm - Quispamsis, Canada
Thanks for sharing your experience, Pamela. I am still waiting to hear about my day-long session. How long did you have to wait after seeing Dr B? I was there August 24th for my consult and I am really hoping to get in before Christmas. Do you have a date for your surgery yet?
on 9/24/06 9:45 am - Fredericton, Canada
Hi krista I had my first consult with Dr. B on July 10th and got the call for the info session the last week in August, don't remember the exact date, and had the day long on Sept 19th. So a little over a month between the consult and the day long session. I don't have a surgery date yet. The hospital calls and lets you know of your surgery date and then you have to go back to see Lise and sign the contract papers for the surgery, and then they give you a three week pre-op eating plan for the surgery and you get your tests done then as well from what I read in the book, ie the ekg, blood tests etc..
on 9/27/06 1:12 am - Canada
Hi Pamela, I'm 8 days post-op from gastic bypass...I don't mean to be a downer but I think it's good info to know...Dr. B advised me the same thing...I was in a category 1 and would have my surgery within 6mths but maybe was actaully 7mnths...I know it doesn't seem like much...but I know how exciting it is and u think OMG sooner than think everyone gets their hopes up to be done in like 3 or 4...but typically it doesn't happen...if it does...BONUS...I hope you do...I really do... I was a month overdue on my surgery because of the summer...not alot of personnel to help Dr. B with the surgery...because everyone wants to take their summer vacation in the IT WILL will...but u will get frustrated before that times comes...I know... If you have any questions let me know
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