I'm Back!!
Well it sure has been a bit since I have left a message here... and we are too quiet here in New Brunswick, we need to get louder LOL... I had my day session and wasn't talked out of the surgery, actually convinced me further to go ahead... I have lost 16 lbs since June by being sensible and staying away from pop.. (OMG its hard)... I really want to get down another 15-20 lbs before i go for the surgery, which could be very soon. I sign my papers on Friday... woo hooo...I hope the four others who took the class with me have found this site... and get profiles on here soon... hugggz to all...
Hi Angela - I agree, we are waaaaaaaaaaaay too quiet in here
I started posting on the main Lap Band board but would love for the NB'ers to chat more here.
Congrats on your upcoming surgery.How long did you have to wait for the group session? I saw Dr B at the end of August and I'm really hoping to get in for surgery (lap band) within the next 6 months.