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on 5/7/13 2:29 am
Topic: RE: Personal experience questions!

I have tried every elimination diet known to humankind haha, with the guidance of my doctors. It's safe to say this isn't a diet issue. I actually have not had an endoscopy however it is probably a good idea as this problem seems to be getting worse, so thanks for the suggestion. I don't have symptoms that match up to an ulcer so do you know what else could they be looking for that would be causing these problems?

Thanks again!
on 5/6/13 7:45 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: RE: Personal experience questions!

Hi there,

This could be a simple as a dietary change.  Many of our foods produce a lot of gas.  Might want to check your food choices.

When was the last time you had an endoscopy?  This is always a good way to find out if there are actual physical issues with your tummy.

Good luck!

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 5/6/13 7:42 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: RE: New member looking for some advice:)

Hi there,


The best place to start is here:


All the staff is very knowledgeable and can answer any questions you may have.  Good luck!!

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 5/6/13 7:40 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: RE: after surgery recovery?

Hi there,

With any kind of major surgery, recovery takes awhile but you should feel a little better each day.  Give yourself plenty of time to heal.

Your body has been through a lot and I don't doubt that this is just a response to that process.  When I was in the Air Force years ago going through basic training, I didn't have my period for a couple of months.  It was such a drastic life style change, high physical activity and many other things going on, my body just kind of freaked out.

Keep in touch with your doctor and see how things ago after a month or so.  Hang in there.



Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 5/5/13 6:44 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Find The Time

“You know you have to find time to exercise, but it's just so elusive. Here's how to find it's lair.”

You wonder how some people do it. They seem to be able to get everything done. They must be multi-tasking wizards. Here's the truth. There is no such thing. If you are doing more than one thing at a time, you aren't doing at least one of them well. Think texting and driving. Feeding the baby and doing homework. Cooking and learning calculus. Sometimes folding laundry and watching TV will leave you with towels in your underwear drawer and your house guests perplexed when they need to dry their hands. Studies have shown that when you multi-task, not only does your skill level go down for each project, but you also raise your stress level. It's a lose-lose situation. You simply have to eliminate things from your to-do list. If you want to exercise everyday, you'll have to give something up, or at least rearrange other things to save time. All the time you need is right in front of you. It's up to you how you'll use it.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 5/5/13 3:55 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Scared to death but need surgery

Arn't you scared of dying of a heart attack???? thats how i looked at it, I was 305 at my highest...i am 5'8 also, i just had my surgery on tuesday, I like u was scared of that as well, but I new if i did't do something I would die anyway because I just couldn't loose the weight myself no matter what I tried!!!! Gook luck to you

on 5/5/13 3:50 am - Canada
Topic: after surgery recovery?

I had my gastric bypass on tuesday (april 30th), am home now, (saturday) am still in quite a bit of discomfort...wondering how long i should expect this to last, or what other peoples experience was?? also, I am yet to get my chance of preggers, my husband had a vasectomy 7 years ago, I am wondering between the 2 weeks of fasting and surgery if that has altered it...anyone??? thanks..

on 5/3/13 12:29 pm
Topic: New member looking for some advice:)

Hello Guys, 


I am a 29 year old morbidly obese female who has Pseudo Tumor Cerebri, my Neurologist has suggested lapband but when i went to the class the surgeon was against it. I need to lose atleast 90 pounds in order to come off the high dose of Diamox 2000mg which can be added to again. The medicine makes my life miserable. I need a solution. I have been sick for many years, it took from 2002 until 2009 for them to finally figure out what was wrong now I am trying my hardest to find an in between lap band and full bypass surgery. I do have fibromyalgia, as well as family history of thyroid, diabetes, and heart problem. I do have high cholesterol. I live in NC and would like some advice on where to start in getting information on the mini bypass. I have searched and have had no success or luck. Thank you!!

on 4/30/13 8:12 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Get Amnesia

“You want to make a change, but you keep remembering your past failures. Here's how to get amnesia.”

Fine. You've tried, and tried, and maybe tried some more without the success you've dreamed of. So often, what holds us back is the past. We figure since our attempts have failed before, odds are not in our favor. Fooey! Failures are a perfect way to access WHY things didn't work so we can work around them. Stop looking behind you and start focusing forward. Look ahead to what your new life looks like

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 4/30/13 3:46 pm
Topic: Scared to death but need surgery
Im scared to die while having the operation. I am opting to have the Mini Gastric bypass. I'm at my highest weight ever 270 and I'm 5,8. If anyone doctors or those like me that went through the surgery can advise me please do so.

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