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on 11/19/13 6:40 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's how to power up (zip, whoosh)

“You want to exercise but you are just so (yawn) tired. Here's how to power up (zip, whoosh).”

If you think you're too tired to workout, it may be just the antidote you need. Ask anyone who works out regularly and seldom are they ready to take a nap afterward. Generally, you are encouraged NOT to workout right before bed for the simple fact that it revs you up. If you prefer to workout after work hours, this is a great way to recharge which may not only take you through a workout, but get you motivated to do something more than just hold down the couch after dinner.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 11/17/13 7:59 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's how to pat your own back

“Sometimes a little recognition goes a long way. Here's how to pat your own back.”

Like a five-year old, you probably don't go around bragging about all your daily accomplishments, "Hey, I ate broccoli today...and all my green beans!" But, keeping a visual of achievements keeps us motivated. Kids get smiley faces and gold stars when they excel, and so should you. Keep a workout calendar visible and buy a bunch of fun stickers. Add smiley faced stickers when you workout. A gold star if you eat really well that day. You'll find it hard to break the pattern in a week or a month once you've got a row beaming brightly. It might make the difference between ordering the salad or the cheeseburger one day.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 11/12/13 6:39 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's how to put the rug back under your feet

“You try to eat well but there are so many opportunities to fail throughout the day. Here's how to put the rug back under your feet.”

Plan your nutrition. It's easier to make good choices if the choices are limited to good choices. (Say that 10 times fast!) It seems pretty easy - and, hey, it is. Don't have a box of doughnuts or toaster goodies in your house. Instead have plenty of fresh fruit and already cut up veggies at your disposal. Take only healthy snacks and lunch foods with you to work. If you don't have the bag of chips, you can't eat the bag of chips. We're not saying you can never have them again, but if it's more bother than it's worth to get them (like having to run to the store), you might decide not to bother. Problem solved.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 11/10/13 6:42 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's how to get fed up

“Tired of over-eating and feeling terrible? Here's how to get fed up.”

As Americans, it's no secret that we love to overindulge - especially when it comes to eating. So, it's no wonder that so many of us are overweight. Yet, how many of us actually enjoy the feeling when we've sucked down way too much? Tired, bloated, and just plain sick. So why do we keep not only over-eating, but eating foods that make us feel bad? We think that all of the greasy, fried, processed foods taste better than healthy food. This is so not true. It's just what we've gotten used to. Start by eliminating as much "junk" food from your diet as you possibly can. Start trying healthy recipes: low fat, plenty of fish, chicken, veggies, fruits, and whole grains. Experiment with flavoring foods with herbs and spices instead of loading your foods with salt and fat. Soon, you'll be surprised at what you really want to eat, not only for the taste, but because of how good you feel once you stop assaulting your body with the wrong foods.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 11/5/13 6:38 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's how to dress for success

“Even though you've dropped a few pounds, you don't like how you look. Here's how to dress for success.”

We've seen the fashion faux-pas - either women wear too tight of clothing in an attempt to seem thinner (which just ends up accentuating the weight that's left to lose), or they wear clothes that are too big to try to hide the weight. There is a third alternative: wearing clothes that actually fit - not hug, not drape. If you are one of the later, with oversized clothes, and you like the style of them, find a tailor or seamstress and have them altered. It's really not that expensive. If you're in the first category, you may just need to go shopping. If possible, take someone with you who will be honest (and not your sister who dresses the same way as you). For the best fit clothes should not require you to "suck in" anything to get it fastened. They should not be tight, overly loose, but "fitted." If something fits fairly well in all but one area, again, get it altered. By taking the time to find clothes that fit your shape, you'll be amazed at how just wearing the right clothes will make you feel so much more confident, worthwhile, and motivated

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 11/3/13 6:52 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's what's not wrong with you

 “You want to work out everyday but just can't stay motivated. Here's what's not wrong with you.”

You are not just one person. No, you don't have split personalities, but you certainly have different desires at different times. Sometimes you're bummed out, sad, annoyed, or just plain tired. You may not want to work out on those days. Cut yourself some slack. You're just like everyone else. Just make a point to work out when those feelings end. If you are following your fitness plan (the one you decided works for you) more days than not, don't worry so much. That said, also remember that you are the one that wants to get healthy and fit, which means you have to do the work to make that happen. You may need to take control if you continue to slack off. Re-assess your goals, address obstacles, and remember you never regret working out and eating right...but you do when you skip those things. It's up to you...but you DO have what it takes to make it happen.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 11/1/13 11:19 am, edited 11/1/13 6:15 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Topic: RE: HELP!! The weight has crept back up
You are not alone. I have the same problem with gas and bowel movements. The orders are bad, but I use Bath and Body Works room sprays. They are concentrated. I carry one in my pocketbook, one in my desk and medicine cabinet. I had bowel obstruction surgery five yrs ago. Mine husband and I are separated for this ussue being one if the reasons. The children keeps me busy and church. Suicide is not an option. Do you hear me? God is able. He took you through the surgery. It's going to be okay. Get support. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. God will never leave you nor forsake you. Ask Him for help. He will direct you in the right direction. Change your diet to vegan. That means to also be gluten, lactose, egg, sugar free. Breads, pasta, dairy and sugar will make you sick and cause diarrhea. God bless.
on 10/31/13 8:11 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: RE: Anybody Balloon UP Before HItting Goal

Hi there,

Well, I have done lots of research into the body and how it metabolizes food.  I also know that old habits can rear their ugly heads and cause us to lose focus. And, I know that the real battlefield is in the mind. Stress plays a huge part in weight gain as well.

Through my research I have found that it is important obtain support through whatever means we can. Whether it's a Life Coach, Nutritionist, Fitness Coach, Support Group or all the above.  Learning the tools necessary to maintain is extremely important.  I'd say 99.99% of all diets do not equip people with the appropriate tools to maintain their weight once they reach goal. 

Research has also shown that building muscle through strength training will boost metabolism.  It also provides the body with strength and that is a good thing. 

I may or may not have answered your questions but I'd say that the journey is for a life time and involves the whole body.


Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


Keith L.
on 10/31/13 3:16 am - Navarre, FL
VSG on 09/28/12
Topic: Anybody Balloon UP Before HItting Goal

I am doing some informal research and would like to talk to anyone who hit their goal weight within 18 months but before they got there gained 10 - 30lbs (or more actually).

I have some ideas about how our metabolisms behave when we've been on a long term weight slide and I also recognize the pattern of those of us that are close and how the weight loss rate and our resting metabolic rate tend to go way down. I have a few questions like:

1) How much weight did you gain after you hit your lowest point before gaining and then proceed to your goal? and what was your low before the gain?

2) Was it a one time incident or did you yo-yo your way to goal?

3) After your gain did your weight loss rate pick up? and was it smooth sailing all the way to goal?

4) Have you maintained your loss?

5) Were you able to stop at goal or did you sail right past it?

I had a thought yesterday that when we gain weight and try to lose it seems to be a step pattern we gain 20 lbs lose 10 and then that 10lb net gain becomes our new normal then we creep up, lose a little step up and next thing we know we are 300+lbs. I wonder if the opposite works. If we work our way down to say within 10 lbs of our goal and weight loss slows, then we put on 10+ lbs and then go back to losing if the reverse momentum carries us through the slow part. 

Don't anyone worry I have not intention of trying this or experimenting with it, but I think it is an interesting concept that might be worth digging into a bit and would really be revolutionary if we find this pattern to be prevalent.

Let's Hear IT!

VSG: 9/28/2012 - Dr. Sergio Verboonen  My Food/Recipe Blog -

?My Fitness Pal Profile ?View more of my photos at


on 10/29/13 7:49 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: RE: ive had 3 wls



Sorry to hear about your injury.  I know this must affect your ability to keep active.  Don't give up.  Don't let this setback set you back.  Keep trying to make good healthy food choices, watch uplifting movies and do something fun.  When you are feeling better, get back into some low impact exercise.



Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


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