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on 1/14/14 6:55 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's the low-down on low-food

“You've been eating low-cal, low-carb, and low-fat but still the weight isn't falling off or you just can't stand the food anymore. Here's the low-down on low-food.”

When embarking on a new life plan of eating better and treating our bodies with some respect, it seems like there's nothing to eat. Worse yet, we switch our junk food for what we perceive to be health food. Many low-whatever cereal bars, rice cakes, reduced-something chips or cookies, and chemically sweetened drinks are not only unappealing, they are nutritionally deficient. Additionally, while they may be low in one area, they often make up in another health-zapping area: sodium, sugar, or fat may be increased. These choices probably won't fill you up, satisfy you, or make you healthy. Stop wasting calories on these low-foods. Instead, get real. The more unprocessed the foods, the better they are for you. Eat whole grains, plenty of veggies and fruit, good proteins like fish and chicken, and nuts. Start with a good palette of truly healthy foods as a base for your diet and ditch the "low" mentality.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 1/12/14 7:11 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Start when you are only at 80%

“You've been waiting to feel 100% again so you could work out. Here's why you're going to start when your only at 80%.”

Sorry to say, you may be at the Pearly Gates before you feel 100% again. As time goes on, aches and pains seem to be a part of daily life for many. If you've had a major injury, make sure your doctor gives you a green light before you start to workout again, but for some issues, you just need to work around the problem. Chances are, exercising will make the condition better, not worse, and will prevent a host of other problems from setting in, plus you'll be amazed at what it will do to boost your morale.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 1/10/14 11:35 pm
Topic: RE: Here's how to keep chasing the bunny

Not too much happening over on the forum I Userally frequent- came over here on a lark- so glad I did.  Just spent 15 minutes or more "strolling" through some of your posts.  I'll be back for more.  Thank you for for the words for thought.  Keep them coming.  Bonnie.

  goal!!! August 20, 2013   age: 59  High weight: 345 (June, 2011)  Consult weight: 293 (June, 2012)  Pre-Op: 253 (Nov., 2012) Surgery weight: 235 (Dec. 12, 2012) Current weight: 145

 TOTAL POUNDS LOST- 200 (110 pounds lost before surgery, 90 pounds lost Post Op.diabetes in remission-blood pressure normal-cholesterol and triglyceride levels normal!  BMI from 55.6  supermorbidly obese to 23.6  normal!!!!  



on 1/7/14 6:08 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's how to keep chasing the bunny

“You want to workout but you think you'll lose your motivation to keep going. Here's how to keep chasing the bunny.”

In dog races, the dogs run fast because they all want to get the bunny that is being lured in front of them. What are your bunnies? At work, your bunny may be the paycheck at the end of the week. At school it's the diploma when you graduate. What's your weight loss bunny? Sometimes it's a special event like a wedding or reunion that motivates us. Maybe it's getting a better report from your doctor or feeling more confident. Realizing what your bunny is and focusing on it can help you win the race.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 1/5/14 6:58 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's your ton of bricks

“You know you need to take better care of your health. You keep waiting for some motivation. Here's your ton of bricks.”

Exactly what are you waiting for? Heart attack, diagnosis of diabetes, for the scale to actually break when you step on it? You're going to have to find the motivation inside of you. You have to decide that THIS is the moment. Not tomorrow, not next week, not next month, and not the next time you DON'T have leftover cake in the house. Make a list of how your life will be better if you do make some healthy changes. Make another list of how your life will likely be if you don't make changes. Pick the list you can LIVE with.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 12/31/13 9:16 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's what Ponce de Leon didn't know

“So you're not getting any younger. Here's what Ponce de Leon didn't know”

Ponce de Leon searched for years trying to find the fountain of youth. If he saw us today, he'd know that it springs from our sweat glands. No, not something anyone wants to splash around in, and fortunately, you need to bask in your own sweatiness for it to work. Compare yourself with your mother or grandmother at the same age and you can see how much less we've aged. Yes, we can thank the marvels of medicine, but as anyone who works out regularly can tell you, exercise not only keeps the body moving like it used to, it keeps your mind young as well.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 12/29/13 6:30 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's how to break some tape now

“If you need a pair of binoculars to see your goals completed, here's how to break some tape now. ”

When you were a kid, if Christmas were the only celebration of the year, it would be almost unbearable to wait for it. But, with Easter, your birthday, a few fireworks, and pumpkin carving, you get pretty close before you really start drooling over it. The same works wonders for your health and fitness goals. It's okay to have more than one goal at a time. You can make your long term goal like "lose 50 lbs by the time I turn 50," but take the pressure off with a few shorter term goals. Maybe a one year goal of 25 lbs off, and even a weekly or monthly goal to shoot for. By focusing on more attainable "mini" goals, you'll more successfully move closer to the big celebration for your final goal.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 12/24/13 7:06 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's how to pitch the pig

“You need a visual to help keep yourself motivated. Here's how to pitch the pig.”

Have you ever had a picture of a cow or a pig on your refrigerator with some clever saying like, "Don't pig out," or one of those pig cookie jars that oinks when you open it? If you still have them, take them outside and drive over them with your car. Instead, think about what DOES motivate you to think healthily. Is it someone who once was heavy who lost the weight? If so, you wouldn't put up her before picture to motivate you now would you? Put up positive images: people you aspire to be like, quotes that move you, even tips on being healthy. Surround yourself with encouragement not belittlement.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 12/22/13 8:11 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here are a few figure friendly tips

“You want to eat better to lose weight, but you're not sure what you're doing wrong. Here are a few figure friendly tips. ”

1) No multi-task eating. Don't eat while driving, watching TV or sporting events, or doing chores. It's too easy to not pay attention to how much you're putting in your mouth.
2) Portion-control. When serving yourself get a salad-sized plate or a small bowl - one that holds no more than one and a half cups, not the one that your cat could curl up into. For a serving of meat think "deck of cards," for pasta, potatoes, or rice think "baseball." Veggies - knock yourself out. For donuts, candy bars, and potato chips think "I should eat some broccoli".
3) 80/20. Eat more green beans than burgers. Eat more fruit than French fries. If you eat well (lots of vegetables, fruit, plus fish, chicken, and eggs [not fried], whole grains (cereals, breads, pasta) 80% of the time and have goodies in moderation, you'll do just fine.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 12/18/13 9:31 pm - Culpeper, VA
Topic: Here's how to view sleeping dogs

“You want to succeed but bad habits won't die. Here's how to view sleeping dogs.”

When do you fall back into your old ways? Where? If you tend to binge as soon as you get home from work while making supper, something needs to change. Eat an apple on the way home. Do you spend time with friends eating out? Instead go walking at the mall (away from the food court). Snacking in front of the TV? Do puzzles, crochet, or pump small hand weights while you watch. You need to do things that keep you focused on your goals - read healthy magazines, try new healthy recipes a couple times a week, engage in healthy activities - take up golf, bowling, or skating. Break out of the routine that the bad habits inhabit and you may break free from them once and for all.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


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