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on 5/22/08 1:47 pm - Acworth, GA
Topic: RE: MGB in Michigan

Brenda, The MGB was performed in Michigan in the past, but it is now only done in Las Vegas and in Florida.  Go to for information about this.  Good luck.   Sandy

on 5/21/08 12:55 pm
Topic: MGB in Michigan
 Hello All,  Can anyone tell me if there is a doctor in or close to Michigan that does the MGB surgery? After reading for days about the MGB I think this is the surgery that will save my life.  I appreciate any reply. Take care. Hugs, Brenda in MI
on 5/20/08 9:33 am - SPRING HILL, FL
Topic: RE: My Rutledge experience
Hi!  Let me start by saying I am not here to beat up anyone over there opinions.  I read your posting and I was just wondering if you could provide me with the research info you found so I could look into this surgery (MGB) a little more before making my decision.  Your posting alond with all the others have peaked my interest.  I am really curious how you went from being crazy over him doing the surgery to finding all these negative things aobut the doctor and the surgery.  Thank you all for your time and comments regarding this matter.
Patricia H.
on 5/19/08 9:08 am - Charlotte, NC
Topic: RE: My Rutledge experience
Emma, I don't believe that anyone is trying to sound "cultish", but let's be realistic - you are verbally attacking a skilled surgeon and surgical procedure, one of many types of it's fairly logical to say that most responses you get will be pro-MGB. Opinions are one thing and debates (with FACTS) are welcomed, however, you are the one who opened the can of worms. Did you really expect to put out a slamming post as such and NOT get defensive posts in return? Surely you can't be that naive! I don't know you and I don't know your situation, nor am I interested in knowing any more than what you've already exemplified; but I do know people and I have studied psychology. I think I feel fairly safe to say that you and your therapist have a lot more work to do with regards to properly directing your negative energies. There are healthier and polite ways to conduct yourself and still get your point across. Once again, I invite you to do a LOT more homework on all the different types of WLS available. The fact is, we can never be truly prepared for what may, or may not, happen down the road. I'm willing to bet that a majority of the post-ops who say they feel great are still under 5 yrs out. Like life experiences, certain things can only come in time and they cannot be rushed. You are about to alter your natural God-given body through modern medicine. Expect the unexpected, my Dear. And if something does go awry in your future, try not to be too hard on your surgeon! PattyA.
Julie 22
on 5/19/08 3:52 am - NC
Topic: RE: My Rutledge experience
Hi Emma.  I am sorry that you had such a bad experience regarding Dr. Rutledge.  I too went to one of his seminars.  The one I attended was here in NC when he still had an office in Statesville.  Honestly, I don't remember too much about the seminar - good or bad.  Fortunately for me a co-worker's wife was also at the seminar.  She is a general surgeon & after the seminar was over, I had a chance to chat with her.  She informed me that the state of North Carolina would not certify Dr. Rutledge.  For me, I will never let a doctor that is not medically board certified, touch me.  And now he no longer operates in NC. I know that there are many that have had surgery by Dr. Rutledge & have had great success & I am glad for them.  But for me, he wasn't going to be worth it.  In the end, I chose to have RNY & I am extremely glad that I did.  Good luck to you in your weightloss journey.  Just make sure that you do a lot of research on all the surgery options & choose the one that is best for YOU!!!
on 5/18/08 3:16 am - Willowdale, Canada
Topic: RNY + Pregnancy
 I have a question I was hoping someone could answer, it says the following about pregnncy/childbearing in the first 18 months to two years following surgery you should not get pregnant. (Quote)"If you are a woman of childbearing age, you must not get pregnant within the first 18 months to two years following bariatric surgery. The rapid weight loss and nutritional deficiencies associated with weight-loss surgery make pregnancy very dangerous for you and for a developing fetus. Take special precautions to prevent an unsafe pregnancy, particularly because weight loss after bariatric surgery tends to increase fertility."(/Quote) My question is, is there a  safe time after surgery to have kids? Can you have kids after the RNY? If not is there an alternate to RNY which is covered by OHIP, that afterwards you can kids eventually.  Thanks for your help Shannon
on 5/14/08 10:37 am - Canada
Topic: RE: My Rutledge experience
I love how its all very cult-ish. how everyone thinks Im over reacting, how everyone pretty much thinks that Rutledge is a God and hes the one responsible for their weight loss, and that the MIni is the best surgery out there. What Im saying is good for you, that you made hte decision, that yo uwent though with it. But for God Sakes you people sound like your in a cult and would drink the spiked punch for this guy. Theres no proof that this is the best surgery out there, and there is proof that there is long term health problems associated with the mini gastric bypass, moreso than other surgeries. As for posting hte article, yeah.. Ive read all that, but Ive also looked into the other side of it aswell, which it seems that you people havent. there is good and bad to everything. As for the comment about me and the RNY, its my choice and Im damn happy that ive made it. At least there is more thourough research about it, and more doctors know about it and its not experimental. its not the type of thing where "oops I took too much out and now youre far to thin" or "Opps, I didnt take enough out and now your still overweight" As for diet and exercise, yeah its not a valid means for losing weight if you are this far gone with obesity, but it does work if you work your ass off. As everyone says, calories in, calories out. If you do the math you CAN lose weight that way, its just not easy, and you wont be NEARLY as successful as with a bariatric surgery. Diet and excercise DOES work, liek I said, it just wouldnt be sucessful to the degree as surgery if you are this far gone, thats what upsets me about the comment. Im being polite in taking you peoples crap here. I voiced my opinion so people can see both sides of a story because alot of people have been black listed from being able to do so, and you are just trying to do the same by posting my full name on youtube under my account. Im not harassing you, or making your life difficult, ALL I DID WAS POST MY OPINION SO PEOPLE CAN SEE BOTH SIDES TO THE STORY which EVERYONE has the right to. If you dont like it, get off the damn internet.
on 5/14/08 9:34 am - Kelowna, Canada
Topic: RE: My Rutledge experience
You suck.  You go on YouTube to try and degrade Dr R.  You obviously are spoiled and think you should get what you want all the time.  Lets look at your post  "I fought to go and see him. So  my parents caved and we drove 5 hours to Toronto, stayed in a hotel" And you pass him off as a jerk because he didn't answer your one question.  I would think that someone who has helped thousands of people  has tonnes of people asking him the same questions over and over.  So if he misses one or two people going to ask the same question then he's a bad Doctor.  Just like you Dr R is a person too who is doing a great service to people who are overweight.  "he was all smiles and took credit for everything, yeah he applauded the people for the amount of weightloss but said several times that he was the cause of that, Im sorry but even if you had surgery, its YOUR success, not just his" "I was finally going to meet the man that would one day save my life." He gave them the tool to help them accomplish their goal. They didn't go up and say Dr R lost my weight, did they?  They said "I LOST....".  Find something better to do Emma. 
on 5/14/08 3:11 am - 'St. Marys, Canada
Topic: RE: Gastric Bypass In Toronto HELP
Hi ((((((((((((Shannon))))))))))), I see that what I had copied and pasted for you does not all show up.  Just email me or gvie me your email and I will be happy to send it throught email.  Talk to you soon. hugsssssssssssss Love Linda xoxoxo
on 5/14/08 3:09 am - 'St. Marys, Canada
Topic: RE: Gastric Bypass In Toronto HELP
Hi ((((((((((Shannon)))))))), The reason OHIP will no longer fund Lap Band Surgery is due to the high number of complications that people are having after this procedure.   I live in Lakeside, Ontario and  OHIP approved  and paid for me to have a mini gastric bypass done in Florida by Dr. Peralgie. When I  received my OHIP approval letter, it specifically stated that OHIP will not cover any type of lap band procedure.  I have done alot of research as to what would be the best gastric bypass surgery available which resulted in least complications and risks.  In Ontario, there is Lap Band Surgery and the RNY gastric bypass surgery,  The only problem with having gastric bypass surgery in Ontario is that the waiting list is between three and ten years long.  I called almost ten gastric bypass surgeons in Ontario to learn this.  OHIP will pay for a person to have a gastric bypass out of the country if they have a Body Mass Index of 30 with co morbidiites and if a patient has a BMI of 40 or more.   During my research, I decided on the Mini Gastric Bypass Laparoscopic Surgery since it is the least invasive, simple, hospital time is less than a day with some people not even staying overnight.  It is the least expensive costing $17,000.  It has the least complications and risks post surgery.  The pre op preparation is qutie extensive as  far as learning as much as needed to proceed with such a procedure.  If you are interested in this surgery, go to   I will add the information of the Lap Band Surgery which I researched for you.  If you want any more information about the  risks and complications of other weight loss surgeries, please don't hesitate to let me know.  I also also compiled the necessary information on what is  required for an OHIP application which I can also assist you with.   Since OHIP applications for treatment outside of the country are not part of the norm for doctors, some doctors just don;t know how to fill them out right.  LAP BAND SURGERY::

This surgery is not suited for patients who have conditions like Chron’s disease, large hiatus hernias or a history of stomach ulcers.

Despite having lowering complications compared to more invasive and involved weight loss surgeries, The Lap Band has a number of risks pertaining directly to this kind of surgery.   The most serious is death occurring either during surgery or shortly after, which is directly related to the surgery.  The death rate reported is less than 1% but that percentage is not based on all of the deaths, since every death that occurred has not been reported.  It has only been licensed as a procedure for use in the since 2001, even though it has been around for more than 10 years.  Since 1994, has been the forefront of pioneering the use of laparoscopic adjustable band surgery.  Their reported death rate out of 2700 patients was nil; not one patient died.  Considering the differences between the two countries, the experience of the surgeon is a major factor in terms of both the risks and complications.  The most significant risk after lap band surgery is the tearing of the wall of the stomach which happens in about 1% of patients.  One study reported that the vast majority of complications are as high as 88% ranging from mild to severe.  No wonder Dr. Rutledge and Dr. Peralgie need to surgically help out so may failed Lap Band surgery patients.

 Lap Band surgery causes less weight loss and a slower rate of weight loss compared to something like the MGB or Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Approximately half of patients will develop different degrees of nausea and vomiting, and one third will suffer from GERD.  About a quarter of patients will experience a slippage of the band and one patient in seven will experience a blockage of the passage between the two sections of the stomach. The band can also become eroded into the stomach as well as twisting, causing a leakage of the access port.  Also quite common is difficulty swallowing, constipation and diarrhea.  Less than 1% develops complications such as gastritis, hiatus hernia, pancreatitis, dehydration, abdominal pain, flatulence, chest pain and infection.  When the Lap Band is performed laparoscopically, there seems to be fewer risks and complications.  I went to a few on line sites support sites where there are Lap Band patients are either frustrated,  depressed  or angry due to the complications they have had post surgery.  Some have had to have the procedure down over again up as much as up to three times.  One woman reported that: “my esophagus is accommodating and enlarging at the end near my stomach.  I am getting really depressed about this.  You make a decision to have surgery, which is of feat and then you get slapped down with problems.  My surgeon is a nice guy and says I frustrate him – he should live in my shoes!!!! I have 4 kids and am 44, I want to see my kids grow up and their kids grow up.” 

If you would like to email me, my email is [email protected].  Hope this helps.


Love LInda xoxoxo

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