Here's how you can be the biggest loser with your schedule
“You watch the amount of commitment it takes the overweight on TV to drop the weight. Here's how you can be the biggest loser with your schedule.”
We can't all quit our jobs, go to a fancy ranch, or have round the clock personal trainers to monitor our weight loss. We also can't spend four hours or more a day working out. Even if we could, without a lot of money as motivation, the likelihood of success would be the only thing being slim. Still the whole program works - if you eat right and exercise you lose weight. The people on TV have a fairly short window to make a big difference (and strict medical supervision) so they have to push themselves over the top every day to make it happen faster than the average Joe or Josephine. You don't have to suffer torturing workouts hour after hour to see results. Do your 30 minutes, watch what you eat and results will ensue.