Scared to death but need surgery
Arn't you scared of dying of a heart attack???? thats how i looked at it, I was 305 at my highest...i am 5'8 also, i just had my surgery on tuesday, I like u was scared of that as well, but I new if i did't do something I would die anyway because I just couldn't loose the weight myself no matter what I tried!!!! Gook luck to you
Aw, I was in the same boat, extremely scared! But now looking back at it I wish I could have told my self that there really was nothing to fear. There is a doctor whose only job is to monitor your brain activity and breathing. Don't let this fear stop you from going through with a procedure that could change your life for the better. I personally woke up from my surgery as if I woke up from a nap, no pain at all and actually very relaxed! I know that is not the case for everyone but I would do it again in a heartbeat. Good luck! Don't hesitate if you have any questions