Hair Loss (telogen effluvium) 3yrs AFTER MGB - vitamin deficiancy?
Hello :)
I am almost 3yrs post op and have lost +100 lbs since having my MGB in Jan '10. I had a few complications immediately following surgery (developed a stricture which required several dialations...and an ulcer which eventually bled three times, requiring transfusions).
As expected...around the 5th month beautiful, long, thick (and I mean THICK) hair started falling out IN HANDFULLS. I lost probably 65% of my hair! I was devastated...but alive. I wore extensions for months! Then I started seeing regrowth...lots of it...thank the Lord! I waited about for about nine months of regrowth...then cut it all off to a cute short it could all grow out together.
Fast forward to hair is down to my shoulders...and for the past 3-4 months I have noticed significant shedding again! OMG! I'm freaking out! Now...I have to admit...I have not been very consistent with taking my vitamins. I was/am very nervous about upsetting my ulcer again...and find that most mulitvitamins make me gassy, bloated and constipated. As well as I'm supposed to be taking an iron suppliment (Palifer) which upsets my stomach also. Needless to say...I have NOT been taking my supplements as perscribed. I also know I'm not getting enough protien.
So...has anyone else had this issue? Or any advice? I will be going to get bloodwork soon...but hate going to the Doctor now. Just have to work up the courage...
Thank you!
Shedding in Alberta
I am almost 3yrs post op and have lost +100 lbs since having my MGB in Jan '10. I had a few complications immediately following surgery (developed a stricture which required several dialations...and an ulcer which eventually bled three times, requiring transfusions).
As expected...around the 5th month beautiful, long, thick (and I mean THICK) hair started falling out IN HANDFULLS. I lost probably 65% of my hair! I was devastated...but alive. I wore extensions for months! Then I started seeing regrowth...lots of it...thank the Lord! I waited about for about nine months of regrowth...then cut it all off to a cute short it could all grow out together.
Fast forward to hair is down to my shoulders...and for the past 3-4 months I have noticed significant shedding again! OMG! I'm freaking out! Now...I have to admit...I have not been very consistent with taking my vitamins. I was/am very nervous about upsetting my ulcer again...and find that most mulitvitamins make me gassy, bloated and constipated. As well as I'm supposed to be taking an iron suppliment (Palifer) which upsets my stomach also. Needless to say...I have NOT been taking my supplements as perscribed. I also know I'm not getting enough protien.
So...has anyone else had this issue? Or any advice? I will be going to get bloodwork soon...but hate going to the Doctor now. Just have to work up the courage...
Thank you!
Shedding in Alberta

Getting your blood work results may open up some reasons why you are having hair loss at this stage. I too have not been good with my supplements (preaching to myself) but have not had any hair loss issues. I too had thick hair way back when and I didn't get it all back but that's ok. It was too much for me to handle anyway so I am happy with my results.
Keep us posted on what's going on ok?
Getting your blood work results may open up some reasons why you are having hair loss at this stage. I too have not been good with my supplements (preaching to myself) but have not had any hair loss issues. I too had thick hair way back when and I didn't get it all back but that's ok. It was too much for me to handle anyway so I am happy with my results.
Keep us posted on what's going on ok?