What is this severe abdominal pain???

on 9/30/11 8:24 am, edited 9/30/11 8:25 am - Sanford, MI
 I was revised from a band to a VSG and then finally to a bastric bypass because of incredible complications from the VSG surgery.  I have been on and off strong pain medicines for the last 2.5 years.  I am STILL having the same pain and none of the doctors can tell me what it is.  It is inconsistent which makes it terribly hard to figure out what the cause is.  But since it is not a constant pain there MUST be a cause. 

The pain starts in my upper abdomen below my sternum, almost like heart burn but pain.  Then it slowly goes around to my back and hurts really badly in my mid-back (and the stomach still hurts, but the back hurts more than the stomach).  It usually slowly moves down the back and then the entire mid to lower back is in intense pain.  If it happens once in a day it is more likely to happen again that day and the day following and I have to be super careful about what I eat thereafter.  I usually go on a soft foods/liquid foods diet for a day or two if this pain hits.  

Is this a blockage or something else?  I try to remember to chew really well but maybe I'm not chewing well enough?  At times I thought it was from fatty foods but it doesn't seem to be consistent to that because it happens as often with non-fatty foods as it does fatty foods.  Same with sugar/no sugar. 

Can anyone give me some ideas to try to get rid of this horrific pain?  It doubles me over it is so bad.  I just can't live with this pain and the pain meds all have such horrific side effects I can't stand to take them any more. 

PLEASE HELP me figure out this pain.  I am open to anything and everything.

By the way, I take omeprozele (sp??) 40mg/day and I've had those tests done where they go down and actually LOOK in your stomach and they said there is nothing they can see that is wrong.  Everything looks just fine.  They also did a biopsy and that came back as normal too.

I've tried the IBS medications too, and they don't help.  They just give me back headaches. 
on 9/30/11 7:56 pm - Culpeper, VA

Sorry about your pain.  I'm not a doctor but I would demand an MRI.  This could be something totally unrelated to your bypass.  Maybe since everyone is so focused on the bypass, they are missing the forest for the trees.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 9/30/11 9:58 pm - Sanford, MI
Hi!  I appreciate the suggestion... I've had both x-rays and CT scans and they reveal nothing.  Is an MRI different from those?
on 9/30/11 10:18 pm - Culpeper, VA
Yes the MRI is better.  It's like looking at very thin slices and all the way across the area being scanned and much more detailed.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 10/2/11 8:36 am - Sanford, MI
I'll ask my doctor about an MRI.  Thank you
on 10/9/11 4:00 pm - Suffern, NY
A couple of questions first - do you have your gallbladder?  It is very common after rapid weight loss to develop gallstones and the pain your describe is very constistant with gallbladder disease.  You should ask for 2 tests = an ultrasound of your gallbladder and billary tract to check for stones. and a HIDA scan which can determine if your gallbladder is functioning.  You can have no stones but if it isn't functioning, it still  needs to come out.  This can be very painful.  Even if you don't have  a gallbladder, you can develop stones in the bile ducts, so you need to ask for an MRCP - it is an MRI of the bile ducts as well as the entire abdomen - a great test.

You should ask for a CT scan of your kidneys but with no contrast - oral or IV.  When you have a regular CT of your abdomen with the oral contrast, it is hard to see kidney stones, the contrast blocks the stones.  You can also get a KUB which is an XRay to detect kidney stones but not all stones show up on x-ray, a CT is the best way to diagnose stones.  These cause severe back pain and abdominal pain.


on 10/12/11 7:13 pm - Canada

I have had many surgeries, although I am waiting for the sleeve to be done, may I ask what went wrong with your sleeve?

from my surgeries, I developed adhesions (scar tissue) which rapidly spreads, this could be what is happening to you.  It is like cobwebs invading, and yes your intestines could be stuck to the lining of your stomach or where abouts.  It happens when maybe your food moves inside the intestines....... if feels like something is stuck, I know when I get it.... its hard to breath, I squirm with discomfort until it passes through my body....a relief. 

I find it happens when I eat red meat....so I try not to . 

take care
loretta cowels
on 10/18/11 11:58 pm - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
I have this same pain i have not had wls yet. Its awful the doctors took out my gallbladder this is sighns of gallbladder pain. now my pain is worse but the trama from the gallbladder surgery gave me fibro the pain is all around my right side and goes in my back my sternum and have had evry test known even went to michigan university to see specialists up there mris, cat scans, ultra sounds, finally a neroligist told me its cartilige pain my cartilige is allways inflammed I to take omeprozele twice a day, plus nerve pain pills and a long list of others. Does it hurt worse when you press under your breast area if so look into a arthritis doctor that deals with fibro i hope this helps loretta
on 1/27/12 7:35 pm
My name is Wendy and I had the Roux-en Y 11/09 due to Barrett's and 2 ulcers. Then 04/2010 I had a revision and they cut the ulcer out, 11/2010 they had to go in for an exploratory where they repaired 2 hernias, removed scare tissue and endometreosis(which that is why I had a hysterectomy in 2005) I have had many surgeries on my stomach. For the last 2 years I am suffering everyday with this same pain you describe right side back, flank and abdominal pain. I have had MRI's CT ultrasounds you names it and my pain is so bad everyday and noone can give me anwers as to why. And on top of all that I have been ectreamly tired waking up with severe swelling in my lower legs and painfu;l hands and fingers. I just seen a rheumatologist who is running a bunch of labs. I am beside my self I have been unable to work since Sept. 2011 and turned down for disability. I wish someone knew why I have this kind of pain since having surgery. I went from 240 and now at 103-110. HELP
on 11/8/11 8:47 pm
 is there any update please????
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