Slow Weight Loss Saga Continues

Kathy M.
on 6/29/10 3:54 pm
Last time I got on this site in July 09, I was frustrated at my slow weight loss.   I am now 12 months out from MGB and have lost 36lbs.  I have 8 months left of the  "honeymoon" phase and am hoping to lose 30 more lbs.  Ya I know, do the math.  12months to loose 36lbs so how much will the final 8 months give me?    Don't get me wrong, I am thankful I am 36 lbs lighter.  My real beef is that when I read other peoples input on how their weight loss came off "effortlessly", it really frustrates me.  It's not just the frustation, its the jealousy too!  Ya, I admit, I get jealous of these people.  Especially when they think that they must be doing something right and us slow loosers must be doing something wrong.     Lets get real folks; if the fast loosers had the market cornered on the right way to loose the weight then they wouldn't have had to get bariatric surgery done in the first place.   I firmly believe  the only difference between skinny people and fat people has nothing to do with calorie differences.  The skinny people are skinny because they are simply getting away with it.    Yes, I know, there are some people that are food obsessed and that's a legitimate argument but the vast majority of people in my boat really struggle to do the right thing with food and excercise.   I have lived with an overweight body for 40 years now and have come to realize that you cannot conquer the obesity beheamuth.  After living with this disease for so long, my body just won't cooperate any more.  I also believe that the longer one lives with this disease, the harder it becomes to control it.    The insurance companies have caught on to that.  Why do you think most of them cover the cost of bariatric surgery? 

I guess I'm done with whining.  I welcome any and all input whether you agree with me or not.

Bring It On!
on 6/30/10 9:47 pm - Culpeper, VA
Hi Kathy,

I'm sorry you are having these issues.  I know slow losing is a pain.  You don't go into a lot of detail about what your routine is as far as food choices and activity level.  However, I do know that with this disease, it goes a lot deeper.  I think about what it was that caused my weight gain to begin with.  I have to go all the way back to when I was a kid and do a lot of confrontation and acceptance and forgiveness.  Then, I have to deal with the poor habits I have used all those years and try to develop good habits to replace them.  It's a life long struggle.  I don't always succeed and I admit it.  I am terrible at exercise and I do like fatty foods still.  So, I am still a work in progress.


Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


Kathy M.
on 7/1/10 2:24 am
Look, I understand that  food choices are important but my poor food habits are a result of 40 years worth of food restraint.  I started my first diet when I was 14.  I was a pschologically healthy girl and had a great family life.   I just wanted to be thinner.  As the years went by, I continued to be very vigilant about what went into my mouth.   If I so much as relaxed on weekends or vacations or if I scaled back on the excercise routine, BAMB!, the weight would come on.   I spent 40 years on a spiral and  this kind of spiraling cannot sustain itself.  The physical and psycological toll it took on me is what brought on whatever psychological problems I might have over food today.   I  read  the current theories of what "the experts" feel brings on obesity.  They say we make poor food choices because of some psycholgical problems we have or have had.  If that were the case, don't you think therapy alone would solve the obesity epidemic?     What about the obese babies?  My friend has a child that was born at a  normal weight but when she reached 6 months of age, she started gaining weight and is now an obese 10 year old.   Now, my friend did not feed this child any differently than any other mother out there who has a thin child.  This child was new to the world and was clean of life's future dramas.    I guess the experts would say she needs therapy now?   Ya, she will need therapy in the future after she endures relentless teasing and taunting from her peers. 

I'm not denying that overeating is the leading cause of obesity.  I'm not denying that we have some control over what we put in our mouths.  You are right about the bad foods out there i.e. processed foods etc...    The medical experts need to continue to address that issue but they also need to focus on a physical cure for obesity.  Untill then, I will always maintain that  obesity is the leading cause of psychological issues not the other way arround. 

On that note, I think I will have a hamburger for breakfast.  Just kidding!

Thanx all for listening. 

on 7/1/10 2:38 am - Culpeper, VA

I don't have the answers and I can't answer your questions about other folks.  We are all different.  I hear your frustration and I hear your anger.  From what I am reading, you seem to need more than your counselor.   If it was so easy, there wouldn't be all these different diet programs, drinks, foods and pills.  There are food addictions, food disorders and a banquet of different reasons why we have weight issues.  Of course, the "experts" don't put all these eggs together.  They focus on just a few, publish their papers and get big bucks.  Again, I am sorry you are struggling so much.  You are not alone.  We all struggle with our "demons".  Hang in there.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


Kathy M.
on 7/1/10 3:39 am
R u 10 years out for MGB?   You are one of the earliest MGB recepients.  Is it everything you had hoped for?    We newbies have benefited from all Dr R has learned along the way.  I had post op complications (excessive swelling) and had to be hospitalized the whole week but I must say, Dr R took good care of me.    I now appreciate  why he  has his patients stay for one week after surgery. 
on 7/1/10 5:20 am - Culpeper, VA

No regrets!  I'd do it again in a heart beat!

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


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