My Rutledge experience

on 10/2/08 1:24 am - Winter Haven, FL
There are never any "plants" in the audience.  How silly!!!!  All we ask is that you do your research.  If you are interested in the MGB and are not happy with Dr. Rutledge, research Dr. Peraglie.  He is a wonderful, caring surgeon and is double board certified - bariatric surgeon and colon-rectal surgeon.  The MGB is reviseable and reversible and many conversions from the lap-band have been done by either surgeon.  Please do not short-change yourself and your health by listening to misinformation.  Research THOROUGHLY. 
on 8/2/08 1:50 am - cincinnati, OH
HI Emma,My Name is Dave.I personally don't know Dr.Rutledge,but have been checking him out.I have not had surgery(By-Pass0 as of yet,However,I do find it strange that a MD. will not process INSURANCE? I have had two spinal fusionsL-5S-1/C-6/7 and my MD Had a staff that worked overtime to help get MUCH MORE EXSPENSIVE SURGERIES APPROVED(200.000)Dollars US.I am ON Medicaid Because I am disabled,see I suffer from BI-POLAR Disorder as well and have gained over 100 lbs due to the inability to work.So I know how difficult Physically and Mentally it is to feel as you do it took several times for myself to find the right DR. BUT I DID...I am starting a 6 month diet to Qualify for RNY.It will be done at a Gold Standard Bariactric Hospital in Cincinnati,Ohio By DR.Lisa Martinhawver.I have studied the different surgeries and from what I SEE DR. Rutledge is doing nothing more than a Duadenal Switch,But not removing half of the stomach ...if you compare his to the switch you will see what I mean. Best of Luck and I hope I helped Ease your frustration YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!          DAVE...
on 8/10/08 7:24 pm
I dont know about all of this but I have to say I kinda agree with both sides. I have been researching wls for awhile now and want to have it done before my next birthday. I am really leaning toward the MGB. But even though I am fairly sure that I want the MGB I am a little suspicious of Dr. R and the whole clos net thing.

I may be just a dumb country girl but the way clos net is ran and trying to research the MGB objectively as I have been trying to do I found that some of it just doesnt pass the smell test. I dont understand why I cant get truly unbiased medical opinions on the MGB. You can on almost all of the other surgeries. Not only that but when you go to clos net you cant ever find even one unsatisfied customer. Well I live in America and people here ***** if even the foam on their skinny latta's arent thick enough, so that seems especially odd to me. Its not that I dont believe that MGB is the better of all the wls, its just that I wonder why they are trying so hard to keep any negatives out. If the surgery is good then it will sell itself.  I just hate that all I can get about this surgery is either its perfect wonderful no problems here or the other side is this surgery is performed by the devil and you'll die in 7 days. I mean I just want to be able to get the real deal no bull**** and I'd like it to be informed. I also would like to talk to people who have had the surgery, besides names that Dr.R lists for you to contact. I want someone who isnt affliated with him gaining more patients but someone who has actually had the surgery. Thats why I come here.
But here either few if any mgb'ers come to post or the only time you see an mgb'er post is if they are defending  Dr. R or correcting someone's information given, or if someone says they had a negative experience during the surgery then a couple mgb'ers go "huh thats weird, I've never even had a hiccup and everyone I know whose had the surgery is complication free. Are u sure u had the MGB? Did u stick to all ur post op? Huh thats wierd." That to me is all very fishy. I know the RNY and others dont have this sort of thing. I mean they talk about everything. Good, Bad, Ugly, Funny and inbetween.

The only thing thats nearly talked me out of the MGB has been the people who have had it and sing its praise. Its all very scripted feeling to me, maybe its not scripted but it feels that way. And I was always taught if something sounds too good to be true then it probably is. I honestly wish I could just find some unbiased negative stuff  on the MGB, then I would feel more comfortable like I was getting the whole story not just a part of it. Dont get me wrong I'm 99% sure this is the surgery I am going to get, all said I still find myself liking what facts I do have about it best. So I am not trying to talk anyone out of it or say its bad, b/c that would be stupid when I want the darn thing myself. I'm just trying to be honest and want you all to know how things are perceived here on the outside looking in.

 As for the orginal poster to this I think its all kinda not important in the grand scheme of things. Changing your mind is allowed as far as I know, even in Canada I hear (thats a joke.) But really your post did lil to help me decide anything about the surgery or Dr. R, all I was able to decide is that the world has a lot of people with a lot of syndromes. I think it either has to be a fad or I'm just really not very special since I dont have some kinda something going on emotionally or mentally that gives me an excuse to behave however I like and still have people try to feel sorry for me at the same time. Now dont get me wrong I know there are people in the world that really do have TRUE emotional or mental problems that cant be helped I just dont think there are as many as claim to be. If spoiled brat is a syndrome though I may be able to claim that one and feel like I am special too, like you:)
on 11/10/08 2:02 pm - San Jose, CA
Ok so i am having the MGB on December 3rd with Dr R he happend to be in San Francisco for a Medical conference and held a seminar. You mentioned that the only people that you ever hear are people that sing his praise and that you wanted to talk to someone that wasnt affiliated with him? AT the seminar there were several post op patients that actually had some issues and symptoms. Dr R spent the time talking to them about what they could do about it and at the same time giving us the information. As far as "keeping the negative out" if you watch the live feed videos its hard to cut that out. I have researched for over 2 years and have come to the conclusion that this is the best option for ME. Not for anyone but ME. No one is draging me to Dr R to have the surgery my body my choice.  Gee now i sound like a pro choice advocate :)  I have friends that have had the lapband and they sent me to a site that was Pro Banding. They waved the "greatest thing ever" flag there were no negative people on the focus group they had contacts that i could talk to , Seminars to go to hmmm sound familuar? I looked into that until my friend told me she only lost 40 lbs in 3 years. Once again personal choice. If its not for you thats fine.  you can find fault in everything if you look hard enough. My insurance covers weight loss surgery but not the MGB because it hasnt been done long enough. I have submitted letters from my doctor, a weight loss dr that i have gone to off and on for 7 years and a personal letter from me with a full life history. I am waiting for thier decission. Either way the health risk at 377 lbs far out weighs the risk of surgery. I believe that the MGB is the only wls surgery that is reversible.
on 9/17/09 5:40 pm
Hello, I was reading some old posts and was wondering if you ever went through with the mgb?  I was wondering how it has gone for you and if you have any comments (good or bad) about it.  I am waiting on approval of my packet right now so I figured I would keep researching!  Thank you! Renee
on 11/12/08 2:06 pm - Mercer Island, WA
Hi, just had to chime in here as a new member. I did have the MGB with Dr. Rutledge in 2004, and yes, I am one of the people that has been very happy with my decision. I think Dr. R is a skilled surgeon, and I like that he is acccessible for questions by phone at any time. I will say, that my experience of him is not unlike many other surgeons I have met though, in that he does seem to come off as rather "full of himself". I do think that despite that, he is a caring doctor who is dedicated to offering a safe and effective weight loss surgery.

I am not one of those MGB'ers who can quote all of the reasons this is a superior surgery, etc. I can tell you that I had the option of going with a RNY which would be completely covered by insurance, and I chose to take out a loan and pay for the MGB myself. In part it was because of the lower mortality rate and researching that patients who had this surgery had few complications. Mostly it was because after doing all of my research, I just knew this was right for me. And it was. I have lost 170 lbs, regained about 20, and have never had a complication.

That all being said, I don't think that ANY one surgery is right for everyone. I would strongly urge everyone to do as much research as possible and make the best decision they can.  Just make sure you are not completely swayed by any one person........positively or negatively!
on 10/31/08 7:40 am - Canada
 I would like to know what the question was that you wanted answered at the seminar. 
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