Bile Reflux after MGB

on 4/15/08 5:35 am - Sioux Falls, SD
Hi, Everyone!  I had the MGB in July 2003 and have lost 120 pounds.  I am extrememely thrilled with the results and have not had any complications until last winter.  I started having severe epigastric pain and started vomiting bile.  I have been scoped 2 times and my surgeon sees some mild redness.  He suggested I totally cut out caffeine and thought that would fix my problem.  I was just wondering if anyone else has had bile reflux problems and what your doctor has done to fix them?  A new surgeon that I saw suggested trying Zantac every day and if that doesn't work we will try Carafate.  Any input would be appreciated. Thanks! Darcie
on 4/20/08 4:25 am - Stanwood, WA
I am not a doctor of course but I am wondering if you eat live cultured yogurt everyday? Also I wonder if you have thought about prilosec? I am sorry to hear you are having problems. -Van
on 5/11/08 3:41 am - 'St. Marys, Canada
Hi ((((((((((Darcie)))))))))))))))   I am sorry to hear about your problem with bile reflux.  I don't know but could drinking coffee have contributed to the bile reflux.  I had my surgery 17 days ago with Dr. peralgie and remember him specifically saying not to drink coffee or soda pop since they are both so acidy.  I hope you can get it under control with the right medication.  Good luck to you. Hugssssssssssssss Linda xoxo
on 2/25/09 5:34 am

I had a MGB done in October of 2008. I have lost 70lbs, but mostly because I was too sick to eat. I ended up having the exit to my stomach, where the intestines are re-connected closing off. The doctors could not find out what was wrong with me until they finally did a scoped of my stomach. By the time they finally did the scope the area was completely closed off due to scare tissue and swelling. The doctors then ballooned that back open. I ended up having that ballooned open 3 times, the last time seeming to have been successful. Each time the doctors noted an extensive amount of bile, which explains my nausea. I just had my gallbladder removed 3 weeks ago, and thought I would start to feel great. NOPE, not the case. It does not matter what I eat, I am nauseous after words, and quite often I vomit what I ate along with and extensive amount of bile. It is painful not to mention absolutely disgusting! I don’t drink caffeine and daily I take protonics which is the antacid I took when in the hospital. Carafate has NO medicinal purpose, all it does is coat the lining of the stomach, however it does seem to provide some type of relief to me if I am having problems with bile, but its just masking a serious problem that needs to be corrected. I am currently looking to have my surgery reversed, and am really nervous after having so many complications from the first! Does anyone have any ideas how to minimize this. I read that after a year it will usally subside, but after reading Darcies story that is obviously not the case since she just started having the bile reflux after a few years!!! Very frustrated, Jessica

on 12/11/09 1:24 am - Sugarland, TX
DId you have your revision?  I am having persistent bile reflux (for 6 months), nausea, terrible taste in my mouth all the time.  My surgery was in 2000 and maintained 140 lb. loss all this time.  Nothing has worked!  My GI doctor says only thing left is evaluation for revision.  I need an EXPERIENCED bariatric surgeon in the Houston area (to do revisions to the roux).  My doc recommended with only 5 yrs experience.  Anyone, please send me names of docs.  This will be a major surgery. 
Thank you. 
on 6/11/10 8:47 pm
I am just seeing this post now and you may have found someone by now.  Have your tried the Davis Clinic Group.  The new offices are at Memorial City but they still use The Methodist Hospital at the med center.  There is Dr. Robert Davis the old one and Dr. Garth Davis the young one. My daughter is seeing Garth Davis.  They have a very nice website.  Good Luck to you.
on 6/12/10 6:06 am - Sugarland, TX
Yes, my MGB was revised to an RNY on 2/22/10 by Dr. Vadim Sherman (Baylor College of Medicine) at St. Luke's Hospital.  Methodist was not on my insurance plan.  I am very pleased with the results.  The bile reflux was immediately gone!  Dr. Sherman and my gastroenterologist told me that bile reflux has a different chemical composition from gastroesophageal reflux (GERD).  Therefore, all the GERD products, Carafate, Protonix, Prilosec, Zantac, and newer ones do not work on bile reflux.  Of course, I tried all of them which is one reason it took so long to diagnose it and decide on surgery. 

The surgery was easy as he did not disturb the stomach pouch staples.  Bowel elimination was irregular for about a month, but then normal.  I have lost an additional 30 pounds that I wasn't seeking to lose, but it is a healthier weight and nice side effect.  I also have gone back to drinking protein twice a day.  I seem to be a little more sensitive to carbohydrates and sugars and develop hypoglycemia easier. 

Feeling so much better and glad to have such good medical care.  Dr. Sherman has great follow-up and support groups, too.
on 12/17/09 10:38 pm - Sioux Falls, SD
I had my mini gastric bypass revised this past August and the bile reflux resolved immediately.  After having almost constant reflux for the past 2 years, I am so relieved!  I work as a bariatric coordinator and I have seen multiple patients with a MGB need to have revision to roux.  As a matter of fact the ASMBS does NOT recommend that people have the MGB and studies have shown over 99% of MGB patiens will need a revision for a variety of reasons...bile reflux, leak at the G-J anastamosis due to ulceration, failure to thrive, etc.  Revision really is the only way to get it to stop.  Carafate worked at first but over time that didn't even help.  I woke up several times in the middle of the night coughing up bile (actually pouring out of my mouth) and even aspirated it a few times(it really burns when it is in your lungs!).   Good luck to all of you and hopefully you will also get some relief from your reflux. If you have any questions I could answer let me know.

on 12/11/09 1:27 am - Sugarland, TX
Terry, my MGB was 7/26/00.  I remember your posts.  I have been away from these forums for a long time too.  Bile reflux has developed.  Pain isn't bad, but the taste is a 24-hour problem, have to sleep on 2 pills, eat crackers before bedtime, and appetite poor cause nothing tastes good.  Dr. O'Briens nurse told me that he has had to revise some patients because bile reflux is a known problem of the MGB.  Maybe you remember me, I traveled to SD from Houston, TX for the surgery.  Can't afford to fly there now, however. 
on 1/14/10 11:25 am - Plano, TX
In  2005, my gallbladder was removed and from that moment forward my life became a nightmare.  I was in permanent dyspepsia. I had a bile reflux and chronic gastritis.  Finally, at the end of last year I found something that is truly helping me very much and I want to share with all of you –– should you be one who is having a similar problem.

TRIPHALA is the name of these wonderful vegetarian capsules. You Google this name and get information about it.  I tried for years everything that my doctors told me to do from prescription drugs to anti-acids and many other medicines. Nothing worked for me until now.  Hopefully you will benefit from Triphala and it will help you as much it is helping me.
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