MGB Surgeon in Minnesota??
There are none in Minnesota that do it. The closest to me, and even that was a 4 hour drive one way, was Sioux Falls SD. Dr. Peter O'Brien.
The MGB in not new, in fact been around long time. Just many places do not do it because of the higher risk or post op complications.

Mini Gastric bypass 11/18/03
Revision due to Rejection 05/31/06
He didn't tell you before the surgery?? I shouldn't complain, neither did mine!
What was done during the surgery? Did he just loop the intestines and join them to the pouch, or did he sever them and then join them? There is another surgery out now where the pouch is much like that if the Mini bypass, but nothing is done with the intestines. It is a long narrow pouch rather then a small round one.
They did it through one small open incision? Mine was done lap, through 5 one in*****isions.
Make sure to check your medical records as to how this was recorded. My doctor did not tell me that he was doing the "mini" on me. He even submitted it to my insurance as a laproscopic weight loss surgery, so two years later when I had complications and needed a revision I had to fight a battle with the insurance company because they did not even have it in my records that I had the "mini".

Mini Gastric bypass 11/18/03
Revision due to Rejection 05/31/06
My doc submitted it as an open r-n-y. I don't think it was the classic MGB because he said it was a less invasive and less incisional way of doing the traditional r-n-y. Plus, this doc doesn't do the lap, only open. Eh, doesn't bother me much. A smaller incision and less recovery time? I am all about that.