I recently found a Dr I might can afford since I have no insurance, however he only does 3 surgeries....LAP ~ MGB ~ can someone help me with the differences between the mini and the regular....
For those who have already had the MGB can you please tell me how fast and how much weight you have well as any side effects you may have experienced!
Thanks for all of the help!
Hugs, Susan
~ Susan 

The TRUE MGB was developed by Dr. Robert Rutledge who now performs the surgery in Las Vegas. Although my surgery was done by Dr. Walsh who was trained by Dr. R. and is no longer with CLOS, Dr. R. has also trained two other surgeons in Michigan and Florida. I had this surgery in 2004 and have gone from 392 to 178. Go to CLOS. net to find out all about this option. I have no regrets!
You know, I don't know where those horror stories come from! I have had no bile reflux nor have I heard of anyone who has. I have only heard of a couple of folks who have acid reflux. Dr. Rutledge addresses all these things on the website and even has U Tube videos explaining all aspects of the surgery. I have read such terrible stories on O Help about all the complications and side effects of the other surgeries that I am SO thankful that I chose the MGB. I have had no complications and have lost over 200 pounds---reached my all-time low of 175 last week! The only side -effect that bothers me is the occasional diarrhea and the awful smelling gas! I know I could remedy this if I would watch what I eat. As it is, I pretty much eat like a normal person now.
You are doing the right thing---asking questions and researching all the options. I did, and the MGB was the only route I trusted because of the short surgery time, the success stories I read on the sites, the cost, and most of all the fact that it is reversible if I made a terrible mistake!
Good luck.
I had my surgery 11/15/06 (MBG with Dr. Rutledge). I started at 202 and I am down 77 lbs. and at goal at less than 6 months out. I have had no complications or side effects.
There is a really good diagram on of the difference between RNY and MGB. Essentially, the MGB only has one new connection, and the RNY has 2 because they cut the small intestine in half and hook up each half in different places. The MGB has one hole in the side of the intestine attached to the base of the new stomach.