What happened to Dr. O'Brien???

Mini Gastric bypass 11/18/03
Revision due to Rejection 05/31/06
Please research Dr. Rutledge very carefully before you consider him. There is a wealth of information out there. You can go to the site on the North Carolina Medical Board website to read about him. There is a public file against him. Scroll down to all the public file entries. Just paste the link into your browser. According to the consent order (I think on the bottom of page 4 or 5, he admitted there was evidence which could show a lack of ethics and honesty on his application to practice in Nevada. Additionally, the initial charges against him by the medical board are really disturbing and are never really well defended by him. http://www.ncmedboard.org/Clients/NCBOM/Public/Licensee_Deta ils.aspx?&EntityID=26088&PublicFile=1 It's a matter of public record, so I don't see anything wrong with posting it. The more information we have regarding ethics of physicians we are considering, the better.
He is no longer licensed in North Carolina and was further even reprimanded by the NC Medical Board for not being fully honest about investigations against him in North Carolina as well on his application to practice in Nevada. http://glsuite.ncmedboard.org/DataTier/Documents/Repository/ 0/0/6/1/0f289ee1-8d65-4ae0-b111-ed87f7b528af.pdf I don't know - there's something disturbing to me about a doctor with this kind of record advertising on You Tube - even running his name and phone number across his videos.
I would rather have a surgeon without a public record against him personally. Anyway - all of the above is a matter of public record and found on the North Carolina Medical Board website.