Partial revision of MGB
I'm new here and would appreciate hearing from anyone who may have, or may know of someone who has had a revision of the MGB procedure. I am almost 4 years post-op and have lost 203 pounds so by any opinion would be considered a huge success. I look great but the problem is that I don't feel great. My blood work is consistently good except for a problem I have with iron absorption so I keep an eye on that to make sure that I don't become anemic. My last blood work showed my count to be around 11.5 so this is fairly good and not far from normal. I am about 10 pounds below where I feel at my best but can't put any weight on. When I try to eat more I just develop diarrhea. Actually, even when I don't eat more I have diarrhea and this is the reason I am seriously considering a partial reversal. I am at the point where I dare not leave my house without plastic underwear on. This is no way for a 42 year old woman to live. I don't want to regain the weight so would not want to have anything done to my stomach pouch. I just think that if I could have some of my small bowel reconnected (approx. 7 feet of small bowel was bypassed when I had my surgery) then I would not have so many problems with loose stools. I would be deeply greatful if anyone could tell me what they know about MGB reversals. Feel free to write to me directly at [email protected] THANK YOU!!!!
Hey I am wishing the best for you and I hope you have gotten something figured out or resolved by now. I am thinking seriously about having the MGB myself. So when ever you are feeling well enough I would love to hear how things did go for you. Just hang in there and know that people are thinking of you and wishing only the best for you

Thanks for the kind words. As it happened, I was able to sort out my problem by going on anti-depressants. It seems the diarrhea was a symptom of the enormous stress I have been under in the last couple of years. It was my body's way of saying, "enough!!". I knew that I was feeling unable to cope so I sought the advise of a psychologist who diagnosed me with clinical depression and prescribed a course of Effexor XR (37.5 mg) once a day. Within a week I noticed that my loose stools had lessened and then eventually over the next week or so they stopped all together. The medication has served two purposes and is allowing my body and my emotions to heal. Unless something happens to change my current state, I won't be considering a revision. I appreciate your kind thoughts though and hope all works for you. Let me know if I can help you in any way.
I'm really glad you are feeling better. Who would have thought it could be fixed with anti depressants:) I am relieved for you and hope everything continues to go as well for you in the future. Take good care of yourself. And thank you very much for all the information on your MGB. I bet you have helped people you will never even know about. Best of luck. Juls
I have also been considering the MGB, was that the average amount of bowel to be bypassed? Everything you read on the CLOS site is rosey, no complications. Another question I have had is about the bile reflux. Did this occur for you or cause you any problems? I consulted a doctor here in the Seattle area regarding lap band and when I asked him about the MGB he was very negative and said that it caused serious bile reflux?
I hope you find a solution, would you go back to Dr. R to have the revision? Thanks for any feedback you can give me.
Each patient is evaluated individually and to be honest, I am not sure what criteria they use. I would imagine the person's height and general build along with how much weight they have to lose and their lifestyle plays a big part. I was about 200 pounds over my ideal weight, lived a relatively sedentary life style and am large boned and tall (5'11") so Dr. Rutledge bypassed 7 feet of small bowel. I have no idea how much would be bypassed on you though and I doubt that any doctor could tell you without a personal consultation being conducted. Everything at CLOS does come off as flawless and "rosey" but I know there is dissention in their camp. I have heard many negative things about the MGB procedure and the organization since I had my bypass done 4 years ago. I am not alltogether sure I would have had the procedure done if I had heard all that stuff back then but all in all I have few regrets. I have had some problems but they appear to have been sorted out by taking anti-depressants. It seems that my diarrhea was a symptom of stress. Thankfully, bile reflux was not one of the problems I experienced and none of the people I know who have had the MGB procedure have had this problem either. Keep in mind that your doctor's opinion is just that, an opinion. At the end of the day you need to do your own research and make your own decision. Talk to as many people as possible who have had not just the MGB but all forms gastric bypass and find out what their experiences have been. You will find that there is no such thing as a flawless procedure. If I had decided to have a revision I would NOT have used Dr. Rutledge again but this is for personal reasons and should not influence your decision. Hope this helps.
When I was at clinic with Dr. R. he mentioned that now he starts out with the idea that most people will have 6 feet bypassed. This, of course, depends on your health, height, amount of weight to lose, and the condition of your liver. Other things can play a part to, such as previous surgeries and adhesions that can get in the way.
I am 5'4" and only needed to lose roughly 80 lbs. I would have figured 3-4 feet bypass, but he did 6 feet. He said that alot of the surgeries he did early on when he was doing shorter bypasses, were returning to have more bypassed to get the last bit of weight off. That is one of the reasons why he kind of starts with 6 feet in mind and then goes from there.