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Topic: RE: Hi All-Newbie Here
I was thinking that perhaps I had "rushed" thru some things myself. I know for a fact I have reflux & if I don't take my meds in the morn I'm out a day. I also have polycystic ovarian disease which I was told that being this over weight wasn't helping my situation any but of course, my problem is keeping the weight off. As for what else, I'm fatigued all the d*** time, I find it hard keeping up with my kids, my sex drive & life are non-exsistant, I do suffer from depression issues as well. Sometimes I have good days and sometimes I have bad ones and I have been checked for bi-polar disorder because even I was thinking maybe I had it with my emotions being so up and down from day to day but they ruled that out. I do plan on seeing my PCM this week to see if together we can compile a list and if she'll be kind enough to take some time from her already busy schedule to write a letter of recommendation.
I appreciate you taking the time out to talk with me about this. I feel like I'm fighting this battle alone and it's nice to know there are other people out there with similar situations that can offer their advice.
I appreciate you taking the time out to talk with me about this. I feel like I'm fighting this battle alone and it's nice to know there are other people out there with similar situations that can offer their advice.
Topic: RE: Hi All-Newbie Here
My two comorbities were(i had more than two) ibs, joint problems(arthritis), blood pressure issues, and depression. See if you can find (with your doctor) any other comorbities and that will help you out more than any thing. If you don't have those two and weigh the 100 pounds over they won't approve. Or you can be the 200% overweight. Try to find the problems first and remember you have 90 days(i think) so take your time get all of your ducks in a row and do it right so you don't have to start all over. Like I said if you ever need anything Just ask.... Layla
Topic: RE: Hi All-Newbie Here
According to the letter it said either one of two things weren't met. The first one was about being the 100 pounds over & having medical issues and the second said being 200% over the IBW. I was going for the first one, 100 lbs over & medical conditions which mines would be that I suffer from reflux but that wasn't good enough so now I think I'm going for an appeal. I've never done this befor so any and all input would be appreciated. My doc has been supportive from teh start so I think I may pay her a visit and see if she can write a letter along with the pysch doc who was also all for me getting it. I know for a fact I can get some family to write letters as well so we'll see.
Topic: RE: Hi All-Newbie Here
Did they give you a reason for the denial? I was initally denied also, but my issue was not being enough overweight. I did gain it by the time I sent in my appeal letters. I just had the surgeons nurse write and letter, some of my family members also wrote letters and I wrote one. It all worked out in the end and it will with you, too. If you have any questions or need any input on the appeals process just let me know, and I will do my best to help. Keep thinking postitive thoughts...Layla
Topic: RE: Hi All-Newbie Here
Hey Layla-
Thanks a million! Unfortunately it doesn't look like my journey will be an easy one. I looked online today at the Tricare website and saw a big ole "not approved" under my status. When I went to check the mail, there it was a denial letter. I plan on appealling their decision because I feel I more than qualify at 128 pounds over my ideal, a BMI of 43.5 and I suffer from reflux so we'll see.
Thanks a million! Unfortunately it doesn't look like my journey will be an easy one. I looked online today at the Tricare website and saw a big ole "not approved" under my status. When I went to check the mail, there it was a denial letter. I plan on appealling their decision because I feel I more than qualify at 128 pounds over my ideal, a BMI of 43.5 and I suffer from reflux so we'll see.
Topic: RE: Hi All-Newbie Here
Welcome to the board... it is quiet around here right now. I guess everyone has been a little busy around here lately. I know how hard it is with the waiting game. Seems like tricare takes their sweet *** time getting you an answer. I am saying a prayer for you and your approval. Just keep thinking positive and it will happen soon. If you need anything feel free to send me a message. Layla
Topic: Hi All-Newbie Here
Hey Everyone-
I'm new to the forum and the whole WLS process. At this point I've jumped thru all the Tricare hoops and am waiting to see if I'll be approved for surgery or not. It's been about a week since I had my first consultation and I haven't heard anything back from them yet. I will definately call on Monday to see what's going on. This waiting game is killing me!
Anyhow, I wanted to chime in to say hello & possibly make some new friends who are in the same boat as I.
I'm new to the forum and the whole WLS process. At this point I've jumped thru all the Tricare hoops and am waiting to see if I'll be approved for surgery or not. It's been about a week since I had my first consultation and I haven't heard anything back from them yet. I will definately call on Monday to see what's going on. This waiting game is killing me!
Anyhow, I wanted to chime in to say hello & possibly make some new friends who are in the same boat as I.
Topic: RE: Jacksonville Florida here
Hi Catherine,
Tricare has denied me twice now. I called them and they told me to go to my PCM about my joint pain and if I get medication I will be approved but my PCM didn't give me anything and I am still in pain even if I take 800mg of Motrin. Are they just being stubborn? Since my last denial I have been gaining weight like crazy but not on purpose. I am losing my patience with Tricare. Any advice?
Tricare has denied me twice now. I called them and they told me to go to my PCM about my joint pain and if I get medication I will be approved but my PCM didn't give me anything and I am still in pain even if I take 800mg of Motrin. Are they just being stubborn? Since my last denial I have been gaining weight like crazy but not on purpose. I am losing my patience with Tricare. Any advice?

Topic: RE: Am I being too picky?
Im a military wife also and and had my informational session today...the chief surgeon was very nice and has done about 101 RNY's and 70 lapbands. So im pretty confident although he;s going tdy in a few weeks....

Topic: RE: Jacksonville Florida here
Im not in Jax but in Kingsland just north. I am over 5 yrs post op and doing great. I had no problems at all with tricare. As long as you meet their criteria you will get approved (unless things have changed) You have to be 100lbs overweight or 80 lbs with comorbs.. at least that it how it was 5 yrs ago