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So I found out yesterday that I had indeed been approved for surgery and then received my official call this morning! My initial denial was over something so silly!! When I registered on the forum my doc's office provides, I registered at 220 pounds which was my weight the last time I had been on a scale months before. When my package was sent over, the review board used my guesstimated weight versus my offical weight from the day of my consult which was 238.5 and since they did that, that meant I wasn't the 100 pounds over for my frame/size. Lucky for me, I had an angel watching over me whom I have not yet met and as soon as she caught the error she started fighting for me. This all happened the same day Tricare received my info which was the 17th of this month.
So moving forward, I found a way to pay the $250 fee for my madatory post-op package and am scheduled officially for October 31st. However, I may have to postpone that by a week or two because I want my mom to come out here so she can help hubby with the kids...if not, my kids will be at Micky Ds every night for dinner while I'm here recovering! LOL
Anyhow, so I just wanted to let ya'll know! I'm freakin' excited and nervous and well, going thru all the emotions because the reality is setting in...I'm finally getting surgery!
The day of my consult (9/12) the assistant asked if they had checked my cholesteral which I figured they had because they took a million vials of blood the day I had my labs done. For whatever reason, the 1st page of my results was missing.
So I called the clinic on base as soon as I left my consult appointment to make sure and surely the person who had faxed over the results had left out that first page. So I had her fax it over and I'm thinking now that when the WLSC faxed my paperwork to Tricare, page 1 of my labs was still missing. I probably should have called them to notify them of the error and what I had done to correct it but I guess I kinda figured that since it was friday, my packet to Tricare wouldn't go out until the following monday. I now believe I was wrong in assuming this because Tricare denied my surgery as of the 17th.
So this morning I went to the clinic on base to get a copy of page one for my own records. After reading it, I now know I also have high cholesteral soo I'm wondering if this page had been sent in what would my outcome be?
I re-read the Tricare letter and it says if I have any questions to call the number provided which is also the same number on the back of the Tricare card. I called and the lady said the ONLY thing she could tell me was to call the WLSC because they too would have a letter and if I felt I was denied wrongfully, I'm within my rights to appeal. Well DUH!!!
I do plan on appealling but it would help me out that much more if I knew the reasons I had been denied as the Tricare letter is very very general. It just states I didn't meet their requirements but I am 100+ over, my BMI is 40+ and my 2 co-morbs would be GERD and high cholersteral. I called the WLSC because technically I need to give up my surgery date of 10/24 which I plan on doing and I wanted to know if they had received this letter as well. Well of course, my appointed person isn't in just yet so I left her a voicemail.
I have been blessed by Vicki because she is helping me with my appeal paperwork but until I KNOW for sure why I was denied, I can't really go on to the next step. I've been told too many times that it could be a missing paper and I am thinking this is EXACTLY what happened to me.
As for surgery, I still am seeking to get it but have decided to wait until after the holidays. With Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas sooo close, we can not afford to shell out the $250 for surgery and still be able to afford the holidays. I'm thinking if I can get a date for January it will be all around better, I have plenty of time to file my appeal properly, I can enjoy one last set of holidays (spending wise) and I don't know, it just seems like it would be best all around.
Anyhow, I just needed to kinda update a little and maybe get some of my thoughts out to kinda clear my mind.