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Topic: RE: my broken arm
Thanks. I found a device that will turn my bike into a stationary bike. It is wisper quiet. That will help me get my exercise. Diana
Topic: RE: my broken arm
I was thinking about you the other day. I was wondering how you were doing. I will keep you in my prayers. And I will take your advice.... I will stay away from a bike.

on 10/11/07 3:19 pm
on 10/11/07 3:19 pm
Topic: RE: Anyone from California???
hi, i am also not near you, but wanted to say welcome. i am from san diego. we are looking for orders right now and lemoore is on our list, since its kinda close to home. but we wont be moving till aug 08. how do you like it there?
Topic: RE: what does tri care require?
I think I am qualified and I am not over 100 pounds overweight. I have hypertension, hyperlipidemia, pre-diabetic and possible sleep apnea.
I havent gone through the process because I live in AZ and moving to No Carolina by the end of this year so I stopped the process here so I can have it done there since I will be able to keep the same doc for follow ups. Plus, I have to pay $2000.00 out of my pocket bc its civilian so I rather wait to get to NC and pay nothing.
Topic: RE: Hi everyone!!
Wow! I'm glad to hear they have one on post. That is great! I'll definitely see you for December's meeting then.
Thanks for letting me know!
Topic: RE: Anyone from California???
Hi - I am do not live on the base, but I do live in Northern California about 3 hours from you, however I do come to the base sometimes. My husband is retired military. How are you and welcome to the board.
Topic: RE: Hi everyone!!
well i know for sure they have a support group at the hospitol on post Womack. the 3rd tuesday of every month so i am sure i will see u there once u move lol
Topic: FINALLY!!! I am heading in the right direction!
Went back to the surgeon today and was told they will resubmit, and that as soon as they are told I am aprroved, we can schedule surgery and that it will probably be the first of Dec. What a birthday present that will be.
Topic: RE: Tri Care Approval???
I had to say hi and tell you that I liked your name
Here are the requirements for TriCare and a web link at the bottom so you can look it up if you want.
TRICARE covers gastric bypass, gastric stapling and gastroplasty only when the beneficiary meets one of the following conditions:
* Is 100 pounds over ideal weight for height and bone structure and has one of these associated conditions: diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cholecystitis, narcolepsy, Pickwickian syndrome, hypothalamic disorders or severe arthritis of the weight-bearing joints
* Is 200 percent or more over ideal weight for height and bone structure
* Has had intestinal bypass or other surgery for obesity and because of complications, requires another surgery
TRICARE does not cover:
* Nonsurgical treatment of obesity, morbid obesity, dietary control or weight reduction
* Biliopancreatic bypass, gastric bubble or balloon, or gastric wrapping or gastric banding for the treatment of morbid obesity

Topic: RE: my broken arm
Dr gave me really strong pain med. I sometimes go back to my vicodin so I can stay awake. LOL If I move wrong, I know it! My 3 lb dog got her foot under my arm and then tried to jump off my lap. I screamed and now both dogs are barred from my lap. I miss that, but not the pain. They are so small, but they like to lay on my arm. Even 3 lbs hurts.
Thanks for the hugs, Diana