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Topic: RE: 61 pounds gone!!! :O)
Your husband is going to be so surprised when he comes home.

Topic: 61 pounds gone!!! :O)
Hey everybody! I haven't been on in a while, but I wanted to share my exciting news. I got on the scale a few minutes ago and I am down 61 pounds!
I can tell a lot in my clothes, but I haven't officially moved down sizes....which is very strange to me. Anyway, I have been getting compliments like crazy so that makes me feel good because I know other people can tell now too. The CO of the base walked into my office the other day (I work for MWR) and told me how nice I was looking and to keep up the good work. It made me smile
Just wanted to share my happiness!
Oh BTW - 1 month and counting until my husband comes home!!! He hasn't seen me since before the surgery!

Topic: RE: endoscopy question
its really not that bad, I was one of those that didnt go to sleep and the only thing that bothered me is when they sprayed that medicine on the back of my throat to numb it, I couldnt feel myself swallow, that was weird feeling and the spray tasted a little on the nasty side to me. Other than that it was a piece of cake, nothing to worry about, the sleeping med**** me after it was over so I slept for a few hours afterwards. Don't worry you will do fine. I didnt even have a sore throat the next day.
Donna S
Ft. Stewart GA
Topic: RE: I have been approved for surgery WOO HOO
As well as a birthday one for me! so this will be my new birthdate at starting my new life!
Topic: RE: Where has everyone gone?
Yogurt is easy to make if you have a yogurt maker to incubate it. You can get one for less than $50.00. I have had mine for about 25 years, so you really get your money's worth. Here's how I make mine:
I start with 1 qt of skim milk and then add enough powdered milk to make I qt pd milk. the instant kind is 1 1/3 C and the non instant type is 2/3 C. I use a blender or my bullet to mix it. then you have to let it set until all the foam is gone. Sometimes I just put it in the fridge overnight because it takes quite a while to get rid of the foam. If you use the instant pd milk you can just mix it in and it won't take so long. Then I zap it in the microwave intil it is at least 180 degrees or comes to a boil. I cover it and let it cool until it is less than 110 degrees. To add the starter you take pd starter and mix it with a small amount of your cooled milk. When it is mixed smooth you add it to the rest of the milk. Then you pour it into the containers for your yogurt maker and plug it in or turn it on. It will take anywhere from 4 -12 hours to incubate. After you have made the first batch you can use about 2 Tablespoons of the last batch as a starter. You can use plain yogurt as a starter also. I like to use Yogurmet brand as a starter, but others work fine. You can use the same start until it starts taking too long to set or it is not as good. In time it will get contaminated and you need a new start. The instructions will come with your yogurt maker also. I like the double because it is thicker and of course more protein. It may say you can add flavors before you incubate it, but I have never had that work. You can add any fresh, froozen, or canned fruit you want. I used to used my freezer jam or even my canned jam, but now I use nutrasweet to sweeten and plain fruit. I love pineapple, peach, strawberry, rasberry. You can also use any fruit like mango, apple, plum or any berry. It may sound like a complex process but it really isn't. Basically you make your milk mixture, sterilize it, cool it, add the start and incubate. You can also add cream, canned milk or start with just powdered milk. It is really good and doesn't have any gellatin or other things to thicken it. the double milk is enough. I like it mixed with cottage cheese also. No end to the possibilities. The longer you incubate, the sharper or more sour it gets.
Sorry this is so long, but I have to describe how I do it. The only thing you can do wrong is to not sterilize it or add the start before it is cool enough and you will kill the bacteria. I always use a thermometer to check the temp. I have an electronic digital one now, it is easy and will read down to 100 degrees or less. some don't read that low. Try it, you will like it better than boughten and it is higher protein. 16 grams per cup or 8 grams per 1/2 cup and 90 cal. Diana
Topic: RE: I have been approved for surgery WOO HOO
CONGRATULATIONS!!! It is a big relief to get that approval.


Topic: RE: I have been approved for surgery WOO HOO
That is still really, really great. Taressa only has one more appointment before approval
We should all three of us be on the "Looser's bench" by the Christmas holidays.
WOOHOO that will be a great Christmas present
Jaye Jaye

Topic: RE: I have been approved for surgery WOO HOO
I was told today that I could of had my surgery on Nov 16th but my sister in law is due to deliver at that time and my in laws are coming in to help with the baby for a couple of days so I had to move it to either Nov 29th or 30th. I have had some issues and been trying to get a surgery date since March, so I know how the waiting can go. I am so ready to get this over with.
Topic: RE: endoscopy question
My endoscopy went well. I was nervous about it, but it was fine. I found out my results that same day. I had a hernia repair done in 2004 and the doctor saw that and he told my husband that I have an ulcer. The doctor prescribed me some nexium and I have been fine since then. I slept all the way home, which was about a 45 minute ride. Then I was fine after that. When they scheduled my endoscopy, I was sent some papers to complete and bring with me. I couldn't eat before the endoscopy. The nurse told me that some people go to sleep and some don't. I did. I was told to count from 10 to 1. I don't remember getting past 10.
I didn't even have a sore throat afterwards. The nurse told me that some people have a sore throat, but I didn't. I don't even remember what happened after I said 10. I just woke up in recovery. I think the whole procedure, recovery and all, took about 1 1/2 hours. Don't stress about it. Its not that bad. To me, it was one of the easier appointments I had. Good luck to you. Let us know how it goes.

Topic: RE: I have been approved for surgery WOO HOO
CONGRATS!!! I know you are so happy about that. Keep us posted on your date. We are all rooting for you!!!