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Topic: RE: Approval from tricare
Mine was submitted on Friday also but have not heard anything yet will try to call agian tomarrow.
Topic: I have a date .... Nov. 1 st
Wow, I wasn't expecting it to be so soon. November 1st.....I am so nervous , excited,scared etc. (all emotions coming at me at one time)
It just so happened that Nov. 1st was open. IF I had not taken this date...the next surgery time would have been Dec. 5th. I just want to have the surgery behind me.
I've just gotten in from preregistering at the hospital and my mind is still realing from everything. I haven't even called and told my mom and dad yet.
Thought I would share my news.
Jaye Jaye
Topic: RE: Approval from tricare
I was watching online for mine to be submitted and the DR's office submitted it on Friday afternoon and it was approved Tuesday morning. I believe the limited refers to the benefit is only good for so long. I know mine said it was good from 10/11/2007 - 1/9/2008.
Topic: RE: Approval from tricare
well hopefully I will hear something soon Im getting very nervous and excited all at the same time they did tell me me that they said the date for the surgery they put on the paperwork is Nov 20,07. Im crossing my fingers.
Topic: RE: Approval from tricare
I was told by Tricare that it takes 24-48 hours for approval. Anyhow, good luck and I hope you get that approval.
Topic: RE: Approval from tricare
My surgery was approved in just over 24 hours once they received the paperwork. Good Luck
Topic: RE: I have been approved for surgery WOO HOO
Hi glad to see you got approved CONGRATS... Im still waiting I called today and was told that its pending nurse review and that its a limited benefit take 7-10 days for approval but she did show its a routine research. What that means I have no Idea did they tell you anything like that?.
Topic: Approval from tricare
I spoke with Tricare to see if my paperwork was submitted and it was they told me it is a limited benefit and takes 7-10 days for approval has to be reviewed by nurse. How long didit take for some of you to get approval and what does limited benefit mean ?
on 10/22/07 1:40 pm
on 10/22/07 1:40 pm
Topic: RE: Pre op assessment
well that really sucks..sorry. and vent away thats what we are here for. also if your dr's make the call when they put the refferal in to see the endo, you will have the best luck to get in, because dr's listen to other dr's better. also make sure you call the office if you cant get you in for a long time and let them know that if there is any cancelations that you want to be on a list so they call can you to move up the appt. good luck and make sure to keep us updated
Topic: Pre op assessment
I have had the most messed up day today. All was going so well until they asked my about the blood pressure medicine. Then I had to go into explaining about how my thyroid is enlarged and it is pressing on my blood vessels and is making my pulse race and giving me headaches. I then had to tell them about the thyroid ultrasound and the nodules found and then the uptake and scan I had on the first of the month that my pcm seems to refuse to call and tell me the results. So then the nurse proceeds to call my pcm and ask them for the results and they fax them right over. (Go Figure?!) Then the anesthesiologist took one look at the results and told me that unless I see and endocronlogist and he gives me the ok for the surgery I can't have it. How am I supposed to get in to see a specialist within 2 weeks???? I am about to go insane!!! So I am ready for the surgery and have all my stuff done, but I don't know if I am still on for the 5th. Margie told me to stay on my liquid diet and surely they can pull some strings some where to get me in, but we will know for sure tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed for me and please send up some prayers. they told me that the normal waiting period to get in to see and endocrinologist is 6 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!! My approval through tricare is only good through december 20th. I am done venting now,I think. Thanks for listening, Layla