Recent Posts
Topic: RE: I have a date .... Nov. 1 st
Congratulations. What a ride, You wait and wait and the next thing you know, it's just about here. Diana
Topic: RE: Approval from tricare
I sure don't know what a limited benefit means. They never said anything like that to me. My paper work went in Friday evening and was approved Monday morning. All approvals have come through for me within 48 working hours. I would ask them what a limited benefit means. Diana
Topic: RE: Pre op assessment
It seems like if things can go wrong, they will for you. You have had a struggle. I hope you don't have to have something done with your thyroid before you can have surgery. this is really the pits. I hope they can get those strings pulled. Hang in there. Diana
Topic: RE: I have a date as well!
congratulations to you too. I would sing a song, but it would not be pretty, so you'll have to do with congratulations. Just think how thin we will all be next year. Diana

Topic: RE: I have a date!
congratulations. The emotions are normal. but that doesn't make it any easier. I tried not to think about it until just before. I am so gald it is over and done.
Hooray for you. Diana 

Topic: RE: Liquid diet!!!!
I didn't have to do a liquid diet before. Thankgoodness.
I understand the emotions. I went through that also. Most of us do. My Dh liked the boost. He liked the chocolate and strawberry. Diana
Topic: RE: Cardiac Exam
I didn't have to see a cardiologist and I had just had my echo done and a very recent EKG. I would imagine they will go an EKG and an exam. they may also do a treadmill test. If those look good that will probably be all. I have murmurs and 2 are from phen fen, that is why I had to have an echo before my PCP would let me look at any surgery. Diana
Topic: RE: 61 pounds gone!!! :O)
That is wonderful. I am down 42 lbs today.
I'll bet you drop sizes all of a sudden. I have been putting my jeans in the dryer and they are still loose on me.
It's nice to get the compliments. Your hubby is going to be really surprised. What a homecoming that will be.
Congratulations. Diana
Topic: RE: Thanks to you all
I too come here for support, as the only people who knows about me and WLS is my husband, daughter, my boss, and a couple of my co-workers. I have learned so much from everyone.
Please feel free to post about anything that you need help with, as you will receive support, and possible solutions to the issues that you are facing.
Good luck with you upcoming special day.
Topic: RE: Thanks to you all
Well said Robin.
I feel the exact same way. It is just nice to be able to talk with people at all stages. My family and friends are great ; but no one has had this. The support here is wonderful. People understand how you are feeling and I too egarly look forward to each day , new posts, and old and new friends.
Thanks to everyone on the board.
Jaye Jaye