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Topic: RE: Tina's having surgery today
Yep, I know. I am so excited for her. I have been praying for her throughout the day. We should all sign her surgery page.
I don't know how to get in touch with her, or if someone will post an update on her.
Everybody...Let's let Tina know that we are thinking of her. Sign her surgery page
Jaye Jaye

Topic: Tina's having surgery today
Just a little reminder. TinaLuv posted that she was having surgery on the 31st. That is today. It would be nice if we could all keep her in our thoughts. Best wishes to her for a safe surgery and a speedy recovery!
Topic: RE: I'm Gonna be a looser tomorrow ....God willing
I am so happy for you Jaye! Lots of prayers for a easy surgery and a speedy recovery!
Topic: RE: I'm Gonna be a looser tomorrow ....God willing
Don't worry THINGS WILL GO GREAT! Praying for ya!! Talk to ya soon
Topic: RE: I'm Gonna be a looser tomorrow ....God willing
Got you in my thoughts Jaye.....oh and early Happy reBirthday to you!!!!!
Topic: RE: I'm Gonna be a looser tomorrow ....God willing
You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Congratulations and best of luck tomorrow.

Topic: I'm Gonna be a looser tomorrow ....God willing
Hey you guys, things have sure been quiet in here lately. Just wanted to say that I know everyone will be busy today and tonight with trick or treating and other activities; but please keep me in your thoughts and prayers for my surgery tomorrow.
Jaye Jaye
Topic: RE: In Process
Thank you both for the positive vibes. I know being denied is not the end of the world, but my time is running out. You see I work in Accounting, and my company will be coming up to their year end. So, I need to get the surgery before the end of the year, or I will have to wait until mid-March. If I have to wait until mid-March, I am afraid that I will have to start this process all over again.
The other big reason, is I no longer fit in any of my clothes....I am down to three pairs of pants, and about 6 shirts. I refuse to buy any more clothes...
Topic: RE: In Process
Just know that if it doesn't say approved that you are not totally out of the running for the surgery. I was initally denied and then I went throught the appeal process. It can be done. But just be positive and try not to worry. I am sure that you will be approved just fine. I didn't say all of that to scare you either. I just wanted to let you know that seeing denied isn't the end of the road. Layla btw my date is november 5th (Monday).