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on 11/29/07 2:15 pm
on 11/29/07 2:15 pm
Topic: RE: Tomorrow is my day!!!!!
wow its already here, i know i know your not thinking that way, it feels like forever for you. but yay almost there to the loosing side. hopefully i can meet you there soon, finished all my pre op stuff this week. make sure to take good and ugly before pics and all your measurments so you know how far you have come in the future. let us know asap! your going to do awesome!
Topic: Tomorrow is my day!!!!!
Well tomorrow morning I head to the hospital for my surgery. My surgery is at 10 am, but I have to be there at 7:30 am. I have not gotten nervous yet. I have prayed about it and left it with God.
You guys wish me the best. Next time you hear from me, I will be sitting on the loser's bench!!!!

Topic: I gotta Date!
It has been a while since I posted here but havn't had much news till now. After what felt like forever I finally got a date with my surgeon. I know I know everyone thought I got a date for surgery but no I got my first date to meet my surgeon. Ive gone through all the pre test... phyc, nutri, excer, ekg, eco and stress, had already had the sleep apnea and I got all my blood work done. I have had all of these test in like a month and a half so I have been very busy! All of this before I could even meet my surgeon. But hey now I am finally doing a happy
I will have my surgery date soon after that so I will update more then. Finally I get to
up and down with excitment.

Topic: RE: Off to the hospital
Great news. I will keep you in my prayers. My day is coming up too. Friday for me!!! Good luck.
Topic: RE: Visit with my son after a 17 year wait
That is great news.
I am glad that you and your family had a good time. That is so great to hear.

Topic: RE: Any Ideas
Sometimes I have steak or other meat for breakfast. You may need to look for more of a dinner type meal. Get inventive. Bacon, pork, ham, sausage are all possibilities. You can have cream also. You just have to use splenda or nutrasweet. In 2 weeks it shouldn't be too bad. How about scrambled eggs with cheese. I eat that a lot. You can also have regular bacon. Good luck. Diana
Topic: RE: New here!!
I have a friend that had surgery just before her DH went to Iraq. He had a very good surprise when he got home. My DH is retired so he was here to take care of me. You just need to make sure you have someone to get you around and plenty of help for a while after surgery. Do you have kids? that can be a little harder to take care of, but it can be done. The surgery has been well worth it for me.
Welcome to the board. Diana
Topic: RE: :-( Surgery a No Go :-(
Hang in there. You just need to find another doctor. There are more around. Keep going. It is worth it. My prayers are with you. Diana
Topic: RE: Hey Everyone
Well, I have been gone. It was a very good trip.
Remember you are more likely to die from a joiont replacement surgery and no one even thinks about that and they have complictions also. don't even listen to them. You have a greater chance at llife with the surgery. I am very glad I had it. You will be nervous, just try to keep your mind busy so you don't have time to worry much.
Your husband soounds very supportive, that is good. he will help you through.
I am really doing great. I am down 50 lbs now and my clothes are way too big. I look in the mirror and I like what I see. I would llike the pain to go away, but I can't have everything. take care and you will do great. Diana