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Topic: RE: Rough 1st Night
Hi TaReesa, I am sorry that you had a rough night. Now that you have your pain medicine it will be much better. Everyone deals with pain differently . For the first five to seven days I took the pain medicine every 4 hours. I didn't want to wait until I hurt before I took it . The next week I took it once during the day and right before I went to bed. I did get the refill, and I took it every night before I went to bed. It just really helped me have a good sleep, and rest is what your body need now. It is hard to look at the few scars I have now and know that inside my plumbing has basically been redone. I am sure it is the same for everyone. Just make sure you take your pain medicine as needed. Try to at least take it before you go to was the best sleep I ever had.
Jaye Jaye
Topic: RE: I'm Home
Im glad your home, rest and youll be feeling great in just a few days. Congrats I know you have been waiting to be on the losers bench with us. Take care and keep me informed on your progress...
Im 1 month out and 19 pounds lighter, such a great feeling. I to wonderd the first 2 weeks after surgery if I did the right thing but now I know I did I feel much better and now Im getting fimilar with my new stomach and things are going good and they will for you to....
Take care of your self...
Topic: Rough 1st Night
Hey Ladies. I had a rough first night.
I don't think I slept that much and I was in pain. By the time I left the hospital and got home, the pharmacy was closed, so I knew then I was in for a rough night. My biggest pain was my left shoulder. It was hurting SOOO bad. This morning I feel a little better. I FIANLLY got to take shower.
That was nice. My husband went and got my medicince this morning and now I am very sleepy.
I am going to eat my "big"meal and go to sleep. Until next time

Topic: RE: I'm Home
I am glad to see your home. I hope everything works wonderfully for you. I have been thinking of you and praying for you. Get some rest now because once you get to feeling better there will be no stopping you girl. God Bless.....
Topic: RE: I'm Home
Hurrah!!!!!! Congratulations. I know what you mean about not getting any rest at the hospital. When I had both my kids, it seemed like they were coming in every hour to either bring the baby, or take my vitals. I never got any rest, besides there is nothing better than your own bed. So make sure to get your rest, take your meds, and drink your water.
Topic: RE: Re Gina
Hi ladies,
I am here. I actually got home on Friday, but the computer has been acting up
I am doing great. Surgery was on Wednesday and it went well. I am so happy to be home!
I am still sore, but not really in pain. The gas pains are probably the biggest problem right now.
So does anyone have any good tips on how to deal witht he gas?? LOL
Thanks for thinking about me. I think the computer is better now (fingers crossed), so I should be around more.

Topic: RE: I'm Home
Thanks so much. I was beginning to wonder was this worth it, but I know it is. I am so happy too. Thanks for all your support. Now I am going to

Topic: RE: I'm Home
Yeah!!! I am so happy for you!!
Now you have had your new birthday!!! You are on your way to being a healthier you!! I am so proud for you!!!
Jaye Jaye

Topic: I'm Home
Well I finally made it home. However, I am so tired. Believe me, if you need to rest, don't do it at the hospital. Well everything went fine. I am sore of course, and very tired. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am ok and made it home. I am officially a loser now.

Topic: RE: Re Gina
Hopefully she will check in soon. I think her surgery was suppose to be November 28th, and you know TeReesa had her surgery on the 30th I believe. I will be glad to hear back from both of them. Liz will also be having her surgery soon. I am just so proud for everyone. What a Christmas present we have all gotten...just think this time next Christmas we should be considerably smaller ; if we stick to the rules.
Jaye Jaye