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Topic: 48 hours and counting
Yes, that is right only 48 hours till I am on the loser's bench. So move on over, cause here I come.
Topic: 5 days and counting
Well, it was 5 days but since it is almost 1am here in the Chicago area, so 4 more days till the big day.
I am ready and prepared for when I come home from the hospital with the exception of a few things and I will get them on Wednesday. I still have a ton of things to do before friday, so staying busy will keep me from worrying about anything.
Merry Christmas to all of you.
Topic: RE: I've had a very bad week
Well, we are just not doing much for Christmas this year. I send Christmas to all my out of town grandkids and I have gifts here for those in town. We got our daughter that is still at home 2 presents and that is it. I will have to dip some chocolates for a few people, but Marie will make the foundant and get them ready. I have a chocolate melting machine so it will be pretty easy to do. No baking, sewing and no visiting either. We will just have a quiet day at home. At this point it is just fine. There are advantages to getting older. I do a lot of my shopping on the internet and have it sent to them. That helps a lot.
I'll take the hugs, it helps a lot. Thanks Diana
Topic: RE: I've had a very bad week
How are you taking all this pressure and it is christmas too???? OMG I would be so ready to blow!! God bless you for doing as well as you are doing. I feel sure that once you get your surgery you will be running around in time. I hope everything goes well with your husbands surgery. I will be praying for you all. (((( Hugs )))) Liz
Topic: RE: Somebody Please Pinch Me!!!!!!!
I know what you mean!!! everything has been moving along a warp speed. I was only approved a week ago, and friday it will be one week till the big day. It is amzaing when you make a complaint, you have a tendancy to get results. I explained to the surgeons office that either I get it in December or I would have to wait until March. If I wait till then, I would have to go back through the approval process because the authorization expires at the beginning of Feb. So, by the time my birthday arrives in Feb. I will possibly run out of the 6 different sizes in my closet, which is a good thing.
Happy Holidays to you and your family.
Topic: RE: I've had a very bad week
It is good to see you again, as I was wondering what had happened to you. I understand computer crashes all too well, and I keep several backups of things myself. Congratulations on being so close to onederland, you can do it. February will be here before you know it, so you will be able to get out in the spring and walk amongst the flowers.
I hope your DH and DD are feeling better.
Topic: RE: I've had a very bad week
I'm trying to take care of myself. I am having my knee replaced in Feb. (did I say that already?) I hope I will be able to walk by spring. I have lost enough weight that the surgeon is happy with it now. You just wait in a few months you won't recognize your self. And your clothes will start getting baggy pretty soon. It is so fun. And for the first time I know it will stay off. Thanks Diana
Topic: RE: I've had a very bad week
wow you have had a lot going on. I know it sucks when you computer crashes. Mine crashed earlier this year. And it was awful. Things will start looking up. Just make sure you are taking care of yourself. Congrats on being 6 pounds away. I can't wait until I hit that mark. Good luck!!!

Topic: I've had a very bad week
My DH had his hernia repair last Monday. It was done laproscopically so he came home that night. On Tuesday my computer gave me the blue screen of death and I lost 12 hours of hard work. I am well backed up, but only once a day. I save throughout the day, but when the hard drive goes, you lose it. Wed. morning my daughter had her wisdom teeth pulled. So, I had to take care of both of them, get her back and forth from surgery, pick up all their meds, and get my computer to the computer store. It is old so I had a new one made. It took 3 days to redo the work I lost. It is harder to redo than to do it the first time and I had so much to do to take care of the 2 sick ones. I had to work on my backup computer, which is slower. and it took a while to set it up with all my latests configurations. Then when I got the new computer, I had to reload all my programs and get all my drawings and configurations for my CAD on it. That took 2 days to do. I am still adding more programs and things I need on it. It takes a long time to transfer the many gigabytes of information I have.
I am just glad I have the backups. I have 2 external drives, one internal and lots of CD's. I don't trust just one backup with 10 years of work. If I lost my configurations on my CAD It would take days to rebuild it. I also had to get a 6500 sq ft house printed by Friday. So, I have been a basket case. Things are looking up and I actulally got most of my Christmas shopping done and sent. Thanks to my daughter taking me and pushing me around in a wheelchair. I look for stores with wheelchairs or carts now.
I am scdeduled for a knee replacement in Feb. I hope I will be able to walk after that.
I hope all is well with you all.
I have lost some more weight and am within 6 lbs of onederland. I can't wait. Diana