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Topic: RE: Army Wife Checking In
I wish you the best of luck. In the end it is all worth it. Just keep your head high and always have a prayer in your heart. You'll be fine.
Topic: RE: Marine Wife
We're Army, but we're in NC, stationed here at Fort Bragg in Fayetteville. We LOVE it hear. Unfortunately, looks like we're moving down to GA in November!
Topic: Marine Wife
Hey any USMC wifes out here from NC????? OR any other branch here in NC??????? Hope to hear form ya soon. Gets boring in a town you cant stand!!!!!!
Topic: RE: Hello USAF wife here
Another Air Force wife here. We are stationed at Los Angeles AFB in California. I have my surgery next month in August.
Topic: RE: Coastie Wife
Hiya Coastie wife here, Had my surgery March 9th, have lost 73 pounds gone from a size 20 to a size 6/8!!! I would so do this surgery again in a heartbeat!!! Not taking any of my medications anymore!!!
Topic: RE: Coastie Wife
Nice to meet you too Jenn! I am having my surgery at Travis AFB. I've known two other Coastie wives to have it there recently and they both said they'd do it again in a heart beat! They are both doing very well and loosing a lot of weight.
I live in Novato. I am not sure how far you are from Travis, but there's a support group starting up there. They've only had one meeting. I will find the web page and send you the link.

Topic: RE: Coastie Wife
Hey Donna,
I cannot believe I never noticed the military board! I am a CG wife and in the bay area as well. I have been looking for a local support system as I am new to the area. I thought I was the only overweight coastie wife out there! LOL Message me and we'll keep track of one another!
Nice to meet ya!

Topic: RE: Coastie Wife
Hi Christie,
What is your surgery date? Your a Coastie wife at an AFB? I have a friend whose husband is at an AFB in Texas... teaching something...??