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Topic: RE: Ideal Weight
I hope your weight loss surgery goes will for you. Tri-care was great to me. I had no problems in any way with them. They are very hard to deal with for the after care. But then we moved so I was not able to continue to see my surgen. Good luck and best wishes.
Topic: RE: New Here, USAF Wife Getting this done for me!
Hey there. I just wandered over to the board this morning and saw your post. I was wondering how you were doing in the surgery process? I am here at minot AFB with my hubby and I had the surgery in July. I was supposed to get it done at Wilford hall in San ANtonio but we got orders here and I actually got it done faster up here. Tricare was very easy for me and I never had any problems with them. They approved me in 10 minutes. Hope you are getting all the care you need over there. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!!
open rny 7-6-04
Topic: RE: Navy wife.. Anyone get approved for Tummy tuck recently
I was approved for and had my TT 8 months ago. I have also been approved for a mastopexy (breast lift), thigh lift, and recently was told that they approved me for a brachioplasty. I will be having these procedures done in March.......want to wait till next year.
APPEAL again.. and keep at it. I didn't have trouble but I have friends who were denied and then had them reversed. Don't give up!
Topic: RE: New Here, USAF Wife Getting this done for me!
Hey there ur at my hubbies home town ....well kinda... he is from troy ohio. i will tell ya this surg is great.... i know its a diet but i dont think of it thatway... to me its more of a new way for me... My hubby is USMC so we are at camp lejeune nc... i work at the naval hosp on base and i can actully work again... just a heads up on tricare prime make sure that ur PCM is with you all the way with havin the surg... and dont let tricare push ya around... and just 1 more thing the new tricare does do the surg lap most docs dont know that but they do... it was written in the new coverage policy in july of 2004... talk to ya later ....

Topic: New Here, USAF Wife Getting this done for me!
Hi I am new here. I have been thinking of doing the WLS since I saw Al on the Today show. If he can do it so can I. I have recently met a woman that was the same size as me and she had her surgery done on WPAFB in Ohio, and I just moved here! So I am making my appt. on Friday and I really think I would be a good match for the surgery. I just need something to work. I am getting bigger by the day it seems and I have stopped all the grazing and I am still big...OH WELL, Not for long I am sick and tried of being FAT! I want to run with my 3 little girls and I want them to be able to say THAT's MY MOM!!! Not just oh yeah that's my mom. I want to be able to exercise like I used too. I just want to be able to climb the stairs at my new house without getting winded.
Oh well, I just wanted to say hi and join in on this chat board.
If anyone has had the WLS on a military base feel free to post or send me an email.
Thanks for the support.
Topic: I see so many....
people on the veiwed but hardly no one posts to anything....y is that ... common you know that we all like to talk so just introduce urself...and i promise not to bite ya
Topic: Finally we are goin back in
my SUPERMAN got out in sept 03 due to no boat spaces avail. and after stuggling a year we are goin back into the USMC... i cant wait... I have noticed that in a military town if ur a civilian u get treated like crap... it was nt our choice to get out in the first place we HAD too... but come Oct 1 we can go back in... And if ever hear anyone in the military sayin that being in the military sucks bc of pay and all..... i think i will have to give them a lecture on bein a civilian ....bc unless u can find a high payin job and cheap daycare some of ur bills dont get paid on time ... and if you go buy a house that is completly out unless ur rich or have perfect credit.... and heaven forbid you are on medicaid bc they look at you like great another one.... I am sooooo ready to get back in and support my SUPERMAN and if he gets deployed thats otay too bc i know he will be back..... that is the military No i dont like deployments but i will take them and do my duty as a USMC Wife.... k i think i am

Topic: RE: Marine Wife
Hey Karen,
I am a Navy wife however I lived in Greenville for ten years while attending East Carolina University. My husband and I now live in Virginia Beach but are building a house right across the boarder in NC. I hope to return to school to finish my degree (I only have three classes to go) and maybe start on my masters. What part of Eastern NC are you living in? I'll be happy to give you a few suggestions in hopes of making it easier for you. Just let me know.