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Topic: RE: Tricare Prime and lap band surgery
From what I understand Tricare will not pay for lap band they consider it experitmental .. I know another lady on here tried to get lap band and was denied and now is getting the RNY
Topic: RE: Army Wife in Colorado Springs new to this site!
Hiya, TAVA
My name is Jennifer and we are relocating to Fort Carson this month!! I had weight loss surgery in August of 2004. I am looking to meet some friends in the area too, please email me when you see this! Are you living in on base housing? Where are you moving from?
[email protected]
Email me

Topic: RE: Tummy tuck question
My rashes were not horrible bad but in my belly button they kept on recurring and it smelled so bad because it was like a yeast infection. I would just say to document everything and then submit it ..
Topic: RE: Air Force Wife, new to this board
Hello! I'm an Army wife, but stationed right here with you-- at Ft. Bragg. Sounds like you're doing well! Congrats on being a "loser"!
I've been an Army wife for 8½ years, and couldn't imagine NOT having the Army in our lives.
Who did your surgery?
Congrats again!
Topic: RE: Tummy tuck question
Hi catherine, I have back problems. Alot of stress from the hanging skin.
My hanging skin is no real real bad but enough hanging to cost pain. I am very small frame. I do get rashes to. Thay are not real bad in the winter.
I had worst rashes when i had all the weight but it has gotton better. It has not gotton hot out yet so i'll have to wait and see. How bad does the rashes have to be before thay concerter it medically necessary? I reallt want this TT. Debra
Topic: RE: Tummy tuck question
I had to fight for my tummy tuck but I had rashes, bad back and some other problems. I had 3 doctors saying it was medically necessary for me to have the procedure but Tricare didnt think it was.. Finally I found someone in Tricare who felt it was.
Topic: RE: Ideal Weight
I know MAMC moved up my surgery date in part due to the fact that we were *suppose* to PCS in March and they wanted the surgeon who did my surgery to see me for at least the first 6 months for consistant aftercare.
Unfortunately for a globe wide health care system they sure do seem to have different rules everywhere.
*halfway to goal*
Topic: Monthly chat anyone?
Hello Lords & Ladies,
How about a monthly chat for the Army or the Military boards?
We could schedule a time to meet in the chatroom. What do you all think?
Brightest Blessings for a Wonderful Day~
Jamie M.
Weight- 257/230/146
BMI- 44.1/39.5/25
Height- 5' 4"
Surgery Date: 1/19/05
Visit my profile at
My WLS Journey Site:
No matter what size, we are all Goddesses inside!

Topic: Air Force Wife, new to this board
Just found this board and think this is great. I am an AF wife and have been for close to 14 years now. I love it!
I just had lap RNY 1-28-05, and I am doing really well. The pain went away fairly quickly and I am able to get out and shop now with little problems. I just wanted to say hello to all.

Topic: RE: Army Wife in Colorado Springs new to this site!
Welcome Tava,
My husband is full time National Guard. We have Tricare Prime remote. No problems to speak of. They are now covering laparoscopic surgery again, after my first consult I was approved the next day. Very fast as long as you meet Tricare criteria. Good Luck on your journey, feel free to email if you have questions.