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Topic: AF wife heading to Lakenheath
We are PCsing to Lakenheath in August. Thankfully I've had the surgery since it doesn't seem that they perform it there. But, does anyone know if they have WLS follow up care, WLS support, or perform plastics over there?
Topic: RE: OT: The Silent Ranks...
I love this poem!!!! My husband is a former Marine and there is just something that you can't get from the Army life once you have been one. Thanks for sharing.
Topic: Stationed in Germany
Hi I am the wife of a soldier who is stationed in Hanau,Germany. We have 2 little girls(2-4). I currently am scheduled for Lap RNY on the 12th of July, But trying for an earlier date. Excited to join a "losing" team. My husband is set up for deployment soon so I want to be recuperated before he leaves. good luck all and God bless.
Topic: RE: Hi guys, army girl here
Hey Kristin,
My hubby is Amry too and heading back to iraq for his second tour in Nov >...
makes me sad just thinking about it again. hang in there !

Topic: RE: Tankers Wife....I love my soldier!
Congrats on you up and coming surgery. I didnt have mine done on a Military post, had an out of network doc when we were stationed in NY...Ft Drum, u been there? We hated it.....
anyway, I will keep you in my prayers. be sure to let us know how it went once you are home...and I LOVE MY SOLDIER too.....
Conita Waldon

Topic: RE: Army wife
Just wanted to say hi to another fellow wife.... Need anything...i'm here basicaaly all the time

Topic: RE: I see so many....
Hi. My name is Cheryl. My Honey has been in the Army for 4 years. We finally got married lasy year in May. We have his 4 y/o son with us and are enjoyin Kentucky as best as we can... MY father was in for 24 years (Army) and my ex was in (7 yrs) I'm pretty famaliar with a soldiers life.
All our guys are doing awesome.
Anyone need extra support for husbands gone, i'd be glad to step up.

Topic: RE: Hi guys, army girl here
Hi Kristin, Cheryl here. I am a 31 y/o married to the most dedicated man, Soldier, and father on earth! My husband got back from Iraq August of '04. He was part of 3rd I.D If you need anything, email me. Military wives need to stick together!
God Bless you and your family.