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Topic: Any New Jersey WLS patients around here??
I am 5 days post-op and just looking around the website. Thought I would put out a post to see if there are any military dependents/retirees out here in the Jersey area that can share guidance, insight or just silly chats.
Hubby is in the US Navy and stationed at Fort Dix Army Base. I work at McGuire AFB in healthcare admin and would love to find those with similar interests.
Topic: Independence Day
I just wanted to take a minute and say a huge thank you to all the men and women who put their lives on the line every day to ensure we can continue to celebrate Independence.
Have a happy and safe 4th of July.
Toni Miller
Grown Up Navy Brat
Lap RNY 3/21/05
Topic: RE: starbucks
Bonnie, as the wife of a retired military man I understand where you are coming from..Anytime I hear anything negative towards our military men and women I am so saddened and angered..It is always the few who hurt the many and has been this way for years..You did fine with your post. You were out to protect and you felt Starbuck had caused a wrong..Thankfully they didn't but..Keep up the good work and God Bless our SOLDIERS..
Topic: RE: Anyone in KOREA
Although I'm not in Korea, I thought I'd wish you the best there. My husband just got back from a one-year remote in Jan 05. I went to visit him 3 times (from where we're stationed it was just over an 8 hour flight - not too bad or too expensive). Best of luck finding someone. Where in Korea will you be going?
Topic: RE: Anyone in KOREA
This is the slowest board may want to post something on the main board. Try posting "Anyone in Korea?" that should get their attention. Good Luck
Topic: Anyone in KOREA
I'll be moving to Korea soon to be with my husband. I'll be about 4 months out when we go. Was hoping to meet someone else in Seoul that had this surgery too! Let me know if you are out there!
Topic: RE: starbucks
sorry i posted, i have been flamed enough, if you have intentions of adding to it, don't bother, i will delete WITHOUT reading. there are soooo many people against the war, who knows anymore. against the war or not THOSE ARE OUR FAMILY MEMBERS OUT THERE FIGHTING, WILLING TO RISK THEIR LIVES!!!! i will continue to forward the e-mails i get like this in my personal address book, on the chance that it might be true. if i find out otherwise, well, hen i will send another apology e-mail, just like i have done in this situation. i wish you all well & pray for your loved ones "over there"
Topic: starbucks
> Starbucks Coffee
> "Recently Marines in Iraq wrote to Starbucks because
> They wanted to let them know how much they liked their
> Coffees and to request that they send some of it to
> The troops there.
> Starbucks replied, telling the Marines thank you for
> Their support in their business, but that Starbucks
> does not support the war, nor anyone in it, and that
> They would not send the troops their brand of coffee.
> So as not to offend Starbucks, we should not support
> Them by buying any of their products. As a war vet
> writing to fellow patriots, I feel we should get this
> out in the open. I know this war might not be very
> Popular with some folks, but that doesn't mean we
> don't support the boys on the ground fighting
> Street-to-street and house-to-house for what they and
> I believe is right.
> If you feel the same as I do then pass this
> Along, or you can discard it and no one will never
> know. Thanks very much for your support of me, and I
> know you'll all be there again when I deploy once
> More.
> Semper Fidelis."
> Sgt Howard C. Wright
> 1st Force Recon Co
> 1st Plt PLT RTO
Topic: RE: Help! PCS Over Seas
Congrats on orders to the Azores (my husband got stranded there for a week one time coming back from the desert). He says the only flat spot is the runway.
As for medical clearance, we've been through it twice (both times for coming to Alaska). It depends on the medical services they have available at Lajes. We had neighbors that got denied medical clearance for Lajes because their son had asthma.
Although I'm not active duty (my husband is), I am an Air Force civilian. We've had a couple of people get denied for coming to Alaska (mainly for asthma) while others that have dependents with asthma get approved. I think it depends on how thorough the medical interview.
I worked with one guy who's wife had rheumatoid arthritis. After getting up here, it flared up. With no rheumatologists in the area, they sent them back to the Lower 48.
I'd start looking at the Lajes website and see what medical services they offer.
Good luck and be sure to let us know how it goes.
Topic: RE: Help! PCS Over Seas
Well go ahead and smile!!! you shouldn't have anything to worry about. A fellow soldier of my husbands just had GB and she goes to Iraq later this year. I have talked to a few people coming and going and no one seems to have had any problems...
Good luck!!!