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Topic: RE: Tricare Prime and lap band surgery
I was approved for Lap Band at Walter Reed I got a date 4 weeks after submitting my referral letter. I spoke with my surgeon yesterday he is lookink for more people he doesn't advertise so he has to rely solely on word of mouth to get the word out.
Dr. Long at Walter Reed in DC General Surgery
Topic: Tricare and Lap Band Surgery
I just wanted to pass this info on to any one who has Tricare and wants the lapband.
Officially Tricare does not cover the lap band,
However that's only if you want it done in a civilian Hospital. If you have the surgery done at a military hospital then it is covered I am having lap band done at Walter Reed in Washington DC. At Walter Reed they do the RNY and Lap Band.
If you would like more info contact me
later Heather
Topic: Wasington DC
My husband has the opportunity to relocate to Washington DC. We are looking forward to it but we are concerned with crime and the cost of living. Can anyone give me the name of cities that have reasonably priced homes and some what low crime. We wouldn't be moving for about another year but I am so excited.
We have been in Sumter for almost six years.

Hey Girl! WOW.. it has been awhile since we chatted.. I just have to say how amazing u look! u have done such a superb job at the WLS... I am impressed
so what is going on with the plastics? any update since the forever ago we chatted? i go for mine on nov 21st.. well my consult.. hang in there with Lejeune.. it will happen...

Topic: RE: Help! PCS Over Seas
an AD person had WLS???? Am I reading this right? I was looking into joining the AF and was told that you can't w/ a WLS. Just curious
Topic: RE: any others in Germany?
Hi Danielle! Sorry I'm just now answering this, but I've had a pretty busy summer
We are stationed at Spangdalhem AFB here in Germany. Where are you at?

Topic: RE: any others in Germany?
Hi danielle, I just pcs'd from Hanau in Dec. We lived right on sportefield. Gosh I sure do miss it. Have you posted on the main board I saw someone from Weisboden on there just today. Good luck, if you ever want to chat just send me an e-mail.
DANG! You have to be Mr & Mrs Superman to accomplish all that in such a short time! Good luck sweetie!
Brightest Blessings for a Wonderful Day~
Jamie M.
aka Lady Autumn
Weight- 257/160/146
BMI- 44.1/27.5/25
Height- 5'4" Total Weight Loss: -97 lbs.
Surgery Date- 1/19/05
Visit my OH profile or stop by My Weight Loss Journey Website at:
Visit my Live Journal at:

K SO we submitted a new package to be stationed at Camp LeJeune again... SUPERMAN and i really like it there... but its a 60 day waitin period until we hear back from the big boss in the USMC... well we have like 30 days left... SUPERMANS command says your goin back to LeJeune.... BUT they are not the writtin orders its just verbal orders..... and you cant take those as orders.... so I have 30 days left and i have packed it full with PS appts and drs appt and road trips and lasix eye surgery... the list just keeps goin but still i find time to think about it.... I promise that if they say we can have them tomarrow but only if we are packed i will have the whole house packed and ready to go by midnight.... k enough ramblin