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Topic: RE: I am new and considering ...
They will pay for lap band surgery at some military facilities. It will be listed under general surgery. Has already been done at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington DC. Heather Mc below has already had hers done there. I have an appt scheduled with Dr. Long.
Topic: RE: I am new and considering ...
Are you see a physician at a MTF? What does he say about the DS. I hate to tell you but Tricare will not pay for a DS.
Topic: Got a consultation Date
I had no problem getting my consultation to Walter Reed/Dr. Long for Lap band surgery. Less than a week after my PCM put the referral in Dee from Dr. Long's office called and set up a consultation for 28 March.
My PCM had to redo the referral and made sure it had my current weight, that I am on meds for high blood pressure, and I have sleep apnea.
Guess my referral went right thru. Now just waiting on the next step, the consultation.
Topic: RE: Can I join the Military Post-Op?
no one has responded to you yet... I will. I have not heard of not being able to join directly from the military solely because of any wls. There are active duty members that have gotten this surgery and the remain active duty. If they say no it may be because of other things holding you back. When I joined I was told that If I lie and say that I never did this or that then I would get in. They have this thing called teh moment of truth and everyone has to swear in saying that hey are "telling teh truth" but when I spoke to everyone in my romm EVERYONE Lied about something and they didn't get discharged. We did have one person step out becuase at the last minute she decided that she didn't want the military. so what am I telling you? I am sure I will gtet hate letters for even writing this- but who cares it is the god honest truth. Recruiters want to make a quota. Back to wls. If you think that they will deny you for taking charge and becomgin a more healthy individual and having wls yet you still want to join then I say do what you feel is necessary for you to get in. Write to your congressmen if you have to
Topic: RE: WBAMC
HI. You would have to contact the schools quarterdeck and they will relay the message to him
Topic: I am new and considering ...
I am new and considering DS. I have been dieting with ediets for over a year. Been on a medically supervised diet plan since oct 05. Saw a nutritionalist and have other conditions see my profile. What sort of information should be included on the referral from my PCP? Also who does he refer it to/what do I do next. I am in Florida but I will be moving to Chicago in a month. Any help is greatly appreciated
Topic: WBAMC
Well my husband left today for Warrant Officer Canidate (WOC) school at Ft Rucker AL. I am having my surgery Thursday, here at Ft. Bliss, TX. Since my husband basically doesn't have a unit anymore, should I contact the one he just left in case something happens and he needs to be reached at school?
Topic: Can I join the Military Post-Op?
Does anyone in this forum know about being able to join the military post Gastric Bypass?
So Far I have been hearing a lot of NO's, but I thought this forum might have more answers.
If not the military, do you know of any restriction on DOD or department of the Army civilian jobs? I was wondering if they had the sme retriction if I wanted to go overseas?
Thanks, Tom
Topic: I don't know if I can go through this again.
I had surgery Feb. 2005. A couple of months later we found out we had orders to England in Sept. Two weeks before we were supposed to leave, I found out that I didn't get medical clearance. It said it was denied due to "lack of general medical facilities". They had issues because of all the follow up appts. I had with my surgeon. Granted I had no more than any other gastric bypass patient. They said just try again in about a year. I was devastated and went into severe depression. Not because we didn't get to move to England, but because I was told I was too sick to do so. Also before they denied us, I had quit my job and voluntarily given back our brand new van (which we are still paying on). WELL last week we got involuntary orders to go to England. We have to be there by Oct. 31. The last time we got orders my husband had volunteered, though it was long before i had even thought about surgery. I have to go through the whole process of getting medical clearance again. I don't know if I can emotionally handle it if I am denied again. This whole surgery has seriously done a number on my mental health. And this next part is no joke. We bought a slightly used, but still expensive car that we will be paying on for the next 6 years less than 1 month ago. And the day my husband found out about the orders was my 3rd day at my new job. I'm just now to the point physically and mentally to go back to work. I mentioned going back to work at my last psych appt. and he told me to hold off for a while longer that I still wasn't ready. But financially we couldn't afford it, especially with the new car so I went back to work anyway. And now this. Last time I felt physically able to handle a move abroad and I was denied. Now I don't feel mentally or physically able to even go through the process. Does anyone know if this will hinder getting medically cleared? And since this would be my 2nd medical clearance denial, will this impact my husband's career? He's been in for almost 10 years and we were planning on staying in for the full 20. Any advice or tales of similiar experiences would be greatly appreciated.
Topic: Update on Karen Cothen!
Karen just went in to surgery this morning (Balboa Hospital, San Diego).
I will be visiting her tomorrow, so if you would please post something for her on her support page, I will be printing it off and taking it to her
Cyndi S.